Jacob Crim 
Member since Jan 25, 2012


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Re: “If Chik-Fil-A proved anything today, it's that dead birds talk

Who would ever suspect a Christian family based organization to be for the "traditional" marriage and donate money to others that also share these ideals. Not me, because I have my head up my ass. Come on people, the fact that this non issue is all over the news and talked about by everyone shows how backwards we are as a nation. We have real things we could be pissed off about like Monsanto or the NDAA. But nooooooo everyone wants to be a humanitarian and jump on a one mans case over what they believe and donate their money to.

I am for equality. It is my personal belief that the government should not regulate marriage and everyone should be free to marry whomever they want. But at the same time I realize we are the path to an Orwellian society if things do not change. Once that happens, will it really matter who you can marry?

2 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Jacob Crim on 08/10/2012 at 9:35 PM

Re: “The Campaign: A winning ticket

Movie looks so bad. But most Will Farrell fare does.

1 like, 8 dislikes
Posted by Jacob Crim on 08/10/2012 at 9:28 PM

Re: “Top 10 things (plus a bonus) that are good for you now but will kill you in 20 years

Yeah this was pretty stupid. I was pretty excited upon clicking the link because I wanted a real article. Not some really bad parody a 13 year old could have written.

21 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Jacob Crim on 08/08/2012 at 1:09 PM

Re: “Corporate America is not your buddy

Do not tell the politicians that, who let the corporations run the country.

1 like, 0 dislikes
Posted by Jacob Crim on 08/05/2012 at 1:44 PM

Re: “Tanisha Williams: A West Side Story

Just read this in the paper and I had to come comment on the site because the article made me so mad. It was a solid story except for all the sob story for Tanisha Williams and anytime someone quotes NAACP leader it loses credibility to me.

"Normally, given the relative insignificance of the item stolen, police would have written a citation, but Williams was demonstrably angry and refused to provide her name to the three officers at the scene, according to police."

Ok, so all she had to do is give her name but she chooses to "scream frantically". If she had just gone along with the officers she would have gotten a ticket, if she knew she was innocent the security footage would prove that. She should also know that yelling and causing a scene does not help the case.

"She then proceeds to bang her head on the plexiglass behind the cops 17 times, then strangles herself with the seat belt".

Ok I do believe the cops should have probably done more here. But again she was the one trying to kill herself or most likely trying to spin this on CMPD to try to win a lawsuit. The only things they could have done is put her in a straight jacket or taze her and im sure if they tazed her claiming it was for her own good someone would try to spin it against CMPD.

"But Williams is still a human being deserving of respect. What's more, it is nearly impossible to imagine that police would have allowed a seemingly innocent rich girl, in a different neighborhood, to smash her head in a police cruiser 17 times, or even consider taking items she had purchased and giving them back to the store.

"I feel that if it had been a white child from Ballantyne, there would have been a more orchestrated community outcry," says the Rev. Kojo Nantambu, president of the Charlotte chapter of the NAACP."

This is when the article jumps into total ridiculousness. Yes Williams is a human deserved respect, but how can we respect those who do not even respect themselves? And yes if it had been a rich white 17 year old in Ballantyne this situation would not have happened, if it had been a rich black 17 year old in Ballantyne it would not happen. Because those kids were raised and know you cannot talk back to the law without consequences. This is why the NAACP and most race groups are a joke, all they want is publicity for everything bad that happens to them. But when their race commits a crime, say like the shootings uptown or when that elderly CMC gentleman was murdered by that young black kid...NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.

"There is a whole lot more that Charlotte could do, that it should do," says Nantambu, "but it seems like there's a whole lot that Charlotte won't do."

What can Charlotte do? It is a big city with a lot of poverty. Sure our economy could be better but there has always been a fair share of poverty in this city. The people in these impoverished areas need to learn to take care of themselves, to raise their children better and stop waiting or relying on the city, state or government to help them. Do you really expect the other citizens of Charlotte to spend their income on raising awareness for helping those in poverty? We see it every day, we are aware of it but it's not our job, getting our tax dollar is not enough?

Look I know this seems cold because to me Tanisha Williams brought this all on herself. She could have complied with the officers and she would still be in good health. It was her choice to do everything that happened to her.

16 likes, 10 dislikes
Posted by Jacob Crim on 01/25/2012 at 8:56 PM

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