Todd Houser 
Member since Aug 23, 2014


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Re: “VIDEO: Michael Brown: A pattern of violence

the sources the reports come from only change how the reports are given. our personal opinions absolutely influence how we process the information. neither of those things change the facts. facts are facts because they are true, no matter how you feel about them, or how they were reported. and at this moment, we don't have all the facts. the eye witness reports, will they all line up together when those people have to sit down with officials and give statements? those are reports I want to hear, not just what they said when interviewed on TV. and as of right now, with what we know, it sure seems like this kid was murdered. the only point I'm trying to make, is we don't know yet. we don't have all the information, therefor it is impossible to know for sure what happened. in my opinion, jumping to conclusions does a serious disservice to both sides of the situation. just as you say you're certain it was unjustified, there are others who say for certain it was justified, both sides having heard all the same reports. my only point being neither side knows for certain. we will have the facts soon, and then we will know for certain one way or the other. I don't see what we gain by jumping to conclusions before that. but even if it does turn out this shooting was justified, the issue of cops mistreatment of minorities still needs to be addressed, which I know is the point you are making here. I just hope we as a country and society don't forget about it as soon as this story is no longer the "it" story of day.

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Posted by Todd Houser on 08/27/2014 at 1:48 AM

Re: “VIDEO: Michael Brown: A pattern of violence

how do you know for a fact that that is what happen? that's only a report. and the autopsy has shown definitively that all bullets entered Brown from the front. you're coming to this conclusion based on reports, not facts. there are also reports that it was justified, so that makes those reports true too right? just to be clear, I am in no way saying it was justified. I don't know yet, there are reports that say it was, and reports that say it wasn't. so I will wait on the facts before coming to a conclusion, as we all should. now as far as the overarching point of cops mistreating minorities, I agree wholeheartedly. and this situation should absolutely bring attention to that issue, however at this time we do not know that played a part in what happened here.

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Posted by Todd Houser on 08/26/2014 at 2:16 PM

Re: “VIDEO: Michael Brown: A pattern of violence

I agree with the point you are making here, its clear there is a problem in our society when it comes to how we treat minorities. and like the one commenter said, I think we start with voting. paying more attention in our communities, and making sure the people in power have a strong stance against this kind of behavior. its not an easy fix, but that is a start. but I have to ask, you mention multiple times that the killing of Michael Brown was unjust, how do you know that for a fact? As we wait the for ALL the facts to come out about the situation, how do you already know that the cop was in the wrong? I don't understand why people are so quick to jump to a side on this, why can't we have patience and wait for all the information. as I said in another discussion on this, we as outsiders have the luxury of time to wait. I just feel bad for the family and friends who it must feel like eternity to as they wait for answers.

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Posted by Todd Houser on 08/23/2014 at 11:37 AM

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