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Going Postal 

Letters to the editor

Gray Go-Getter

This piece (Citizen Servatius: "Scientific Buzz Kill," Feb. 14) cements my regard for Tara Servatius as a writer because it nails the idea that there's a lot of "gray" in the global warming debate. She has been a long-time (and mostly justified) whipper of the school system; I think many voters agreed that quantifiable and positive results of all that cash should be proven before another half-billion in bonds got the okie-doke. How light rail seems a rat hole for money is also a favorite topic, but using Dr. Holgate's study for an even-handed touch on a subject like how real measuring melting may or may not be shows she's capable of presenting material that increases the thought process with the balance my j-profs in high school and college usually preached.

Loved her noting that U.N. report with 66 italicized "likely's," and while Dr. Holgate's "no doubt it will be clear within our lifetimes what is actually happening" won't comfort many (or be correct about a hugely negative fact), it definitely shows Tara's not simply some knee-jerk screamer who's anti-whatever "the powers that be" would like people to believe because it's in the Observer or national press.

Care to take another shot at how Bobcat Arena being built while over-running the taxpayers looks as a decision now that NBA attendance continues to slide? There might be some gray on that ...

-- Glenn Shorkey, Charlotte

Not in vain

I was a good friend of Sasha and still mourn his passing.

You've done an excellent job of investigative reporting ("Blown Away," by Tara Servatius, Feb. 21). At long last, a conscientious news reporter has written an objective, fair and definitive account of Sasha's tragic and wholly unnecessary death, while paying the respect that ought to be due this exceptional man. You have effectively questioned the self serving, police propaganda regarding its botched handling of this tragic incident.

This event is outrageous and completely absurd! How can it be that, to "help" a wheelchair-bound double amputee threatening no one, a SWAT team had to execute him in his own living room? Suicide by cop indeed!

Afterward, the government's ease in so successfully rationalizing this killing, along with the failure of supposed citizen and state policies of police oversight to investigate it, demonstrate a complete breakdown of government accountability.

The Charlotte Observer, so called "major metropolitan" daily, wholly accepted the obvious fabrications in police accounts, yet again showing the Observer's disinterest and inability to fulfill its obligations as a proactive, free and investigative press.

At the very least, I hope that someone in the murky depths of Charlotte's cowardly and trigger-happy police department pays attention and tries to change its policies. Preferably, the City of Charlotte ought to, in addition, pay a large punitive fine for so stupidly killing this fine citizen.

Without some change, it could be your neighbor or friend next.

Keep up the good work!

-- Jeff Wikle, Waxhaw

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