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Stargazer Horoscopes 

June 11 – June 17, 2008

The Twins: (May 20 – June 21)

Activities involving travel, in-laws, the Internet, education, or legal interests are favored now. You are on top of the world in these departments. Things have gone well for quite awhile. Be aware you could become arrogant and overly demanding in these circumstances.

For All Signs: Pluto, the planetary ruler of transformation, is traveling on the cusp of Sagittarius/Capricorn throughout this year. Wherever Pluto goes, pressure is brought to bear on the sign. For the last 5 months Pluto has leaning into Capricorn, the sign which rules business and politics. There is no doubt about the drama that we are experiencing in those departments. This week it returns to the end of Sagittarius for one last swipe before it permanently enters Capricorn for 15 years. Sagittarius is the sign of travel, education, and the law.

Aries: This is a period in which you may encounter a person from your past, possibly a former lover. Someone is being pig-headed here. Take whatever opportunity arises now to settle old pain. This is a good time to give up grievances and move forward with your life.

Taurus: A relationship or situation that began with gusto in late March arrives at a point of evaluation. The question of commitment may always be an issue in this situation. The Bulls are careful about promises because they mean it. Watch your step.

Cancer: You may be of two minds during this period. One side of you is at peace with the world, enjoying those you love. Another voice, one you would rather not hear, is irritating. It comes from a childlike place that feels jealous of other's good fortune.

Leo: This time brings a drama with your significant other that does not even really belong in that department. Your ego may be a bit bruised, but the real wound happened many years ago. It is not fair to demand that your partner compensate for injuries of your childhood.

Virgo: Take this week and kick back a little. You deserve it. There are no new aspects right now, so this is a good time to take a vacation. If you cannot go somewhere, let yourself enjoy puttering around the house.

Libra: Your intuition is particularly strong at this time and dreams may be especially meaningful. A romantic fling is possible. Keep things light and playful.

Scorpio: Note that Pluto, one of your ruling planets, is sliding back to Sagittarius for a few months. The pressure to totally revamp your life will drift to the background temporarily. A situation in your career or at work may scratch an old wound. If you remain in the present moment, your responses will make more sense.

Sagittarius: There is quite a bit of pressure on you to take charge and make things happen. The tricky part of this is that a "right" answer is not yet available. Borrow time and keep sifting through the options. By July you will feel more clear.

Capricorn: There are no new aspects in your horoscope right now. You have plenty of time to clean up leftover details from previous projects. Do more research into your current topic of interest. You always have a stack of things on your desk that you are "going to do" when you have a minute. Now's the time.

Aquarius: Your significant other may be acting like a horse's patootie right now, but you don't have to follow suit and play in the same court. Neither of you is being served by sharp words and irritable behavior. "Prove it if you love me" is a game left over from the cave people.

Pisces: You have been working on a creative venture since March. This is a turning point in which it is taking on its own shape. You must decide to pour more energy and effort into developing the work or let it go. The thread of love and romance is humming along well.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site:

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