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Stargazer's Annual 2011 Horoscope 

See next week's column for individual sign projections.

The years 2008 through 2015 are a challenge for the average person. The cosmic arrangement over these years is almost a replica of what astrologers call "The Depression T square" of the 1930s. The road to recovery requires significant patience and adaptability from each of us. It is already altering our values. Materialism as the false god is slowly fading away for the masses. Good riddance. Environmental consciousness is steadily increasing. This is definitely a plus. By 2015 we will be extremely aware of the world's water supply, which is becoming more toxic every day. No longer will that issue be "over there." Invest in clean energy and water as those are the "must-have" of the future.

The middle class is shrinking. Meanwhile, the world's resources are becoming increasingly more controlled by the plutocrats, those with wealth so vast that most of us cannot even imagine. Class wars in a variety of versions are beginning here and there. They are more like skirmishes at present, but will grow in frequency and intensity over the next three years. Revolutionary talk will be increasing and actions will materialize.

Every equinox and solstice will bring significant news of damage resulting from human greed and inconsideration of the natural world. This will be particularly so near the spring equinoxes. (In 2010 it was the explosion of the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.) Aging infrastructures will become starkly apparent.

Such is the state of the mundane world. Is anything really new happening?

The overarching message in the sky calls us to break from living out the tired old dramas. If we are to save our world we need to change paradigms. Taking revenge for past wrongs is not a cool thing to do. Neither is acting out the same old creaking stories of the battle between the sexes, or letting warriors rule the planet just because they are louder than peacemakers. Any thinking person would have to agree that continuing our warring, aggressive history in the same way will not accomplish anything better than what we've got: a circus of a world that is trapped in constant replay.

It may be overwhelming to take on the challenges facing the masses. But each of us can choose a fresh paradigm of thought for that which is happening personally. As individuals, we are not doomed to be in replay mode forever. If you can think of nothing new or better to do about an issue, hold the question in mind before you go to sleep and ask for the answer — expect it to be there within a reasonable period of time — maybe two or three days. Take no action until a new idea forms. Given you have positive expectation, a fresh and improved version of dealing with the issue may be available for evaluation in the morning. Or it may simply fall into your conscious mind during the day. If we refuse to play the same old tapes, the mind will come up with better solutions. Our minds are naturally lazy and will keep reproducing the same scenarios unless we demand that it reinvent answers.

As individuals we must evaluate what beliefs we retain that cause us exclusive postures and promote prejudicial attitudes. Such attitudes are strictly of the ego and worthy of no respect. The needed shift in paradigm is that we take responsibility for our ugly sides and make moves to alter our personal behavior. If we do this one by one, eventually there will be a 100th monkey phenomenon and the world's political affairs may actually reflect a kinder, less greedy ethic.

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