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The Year 2016: Overview, Part 2 

Sights for your signs

Aries: Mars, your planetary ruler, enters Scorpio. This will press you to take on a courageous project. You will be driven to resolve debts and investments. Note that Mars turns retrograde on April 17 and direct on June 29. This affects all of April through July. Avoid initiating any major projects or starting any wars during this period. A significant turning point in relationships occurs in May. The cards will be on the table, for negotiation or separation. High energy periods occur March 11 –17, May 5—21 (watch out here, Mars is retrograde), August 4—23, and Oct. 19—23. Through the end of the year, your ruler is in Pisces. During this time allow others to take the lead and avoid initiatives. Jupiter enters in September and will brighten your life.

Taurus: Venus, is your ruling planet. The good news is that she will not be turning retrograde. She will, however, cross the path of the Saturn/Neptune square at times this year. There may be a surreal and/or confusing quality about this transit. The first time is in early January. You are becoming more aware of the people in your life and your relationships to them. Some will be disappointing and you will let them go off into the mist. Make note that Mercury will be retrograding in your sign during April and May. Avoid major decisions if possible. Meanwhile Venus (feminine energy) is always involved in a dance with Mars (masculine energy). In March you will need to think about whether you want to pour more energy into a person or project. By mid-May you will perceive reality in all its glory. It may be wonderful — or not. In early August the outcome will be very clear. In September, Jupiter lights up the house that deals with health and work.

Gemini: Your ruling avatar is Mercury, which begins the year in retrograde territory in the sign of Capricorn. You likely will be in the midst of reorganizing finances or loans. Decisions just don't seem to become concrete until the last one is finalized near mid-February. The subject reopens for a tweaking in December. Moments that bring recognition of truth, some of which are disappointing, occur mid-March, end of July and near the Thanksgiving holiday. I do not recommend new partnership(s) or marriage for you this year, but if you are already betrothed, prepare to walk on eggshells and tend to your partner between April and August. In September, Jupiter moves into your house of lovers, children and creativity. This will brighten your life.

Cancer: The moon children have had a challenging 2015 and scars may need to be healed. It is very important that you take care of your emotional and physical health. You need grounding after recent challenges. Dealing with hands-on activities is one way of grounding yourself. Do not allow others to absorb your time and energy for their needs. Give only as much as you truly want to give. That is deviant from your habit patterns but people will understand. Eclipse seasons are always important for Cancer and usually leave some type of emotional impact. The month of March is the first eclipse season for this year, riveting attention to home and family. The season that begins with the full moon of Aug. 18 causes you to attend carefully to financial matters. This is a long period that continues through September. Then more positive things develop in family matters through the year end.

Leo: As the year begins, you are focused on challenges concerning your work and daily routine. Changes are needed in these areas and they may require time to sort out. In late February through March you will see more clearly. You may grieve, but don't scramble to hang on at that time. Use your creativity to find a better way. The new Moon eclipse on March 8 emphasizes financial issues. It is best to attend to them. High tech issues and/or health concerns interrupt the routine during early April and July. In early May there will be a high point of recognition in your career sector. At times you are the belle or the sire of the ball in your social world during 2016. This is especially emphasized near June 6 and Sept. 26th. The year 2016 is a creative challenge and will leave you feeling accomplished.

Virgo: Your personal planet is Mercury which is retrograde as the year begins. It is in Capricorn, the sign that rules lovers, children, and creative activity for you. At the end of 2016 it will be in Capricorn and retrograde once again. From mid-April through early June, Mercury will be retrograde in Taurus, emphasizing travel and study. Then one more time in your own sign, Virgo, between early August and October. This is the one that will likely cause you to change your mind several times with regard to your appearance, sense of direction and decisions involving the start of something new. Jupiter remains in your sign until September and offers optimism. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Parents or other relatives of the older generation may need your assistance. Challenging times will appear in March, mid-June, early August and late November. Surprises are likely in late March, early July, and mid-October.

Libra: Venus, the goddess of love, is your ruling planet and you have more than a few lessons to learn this year about people and who they really are in your life. Discernment and balance is the key. Pay attention to the give and take within each relationship. Adjust those that are out of balance, even if it requires that you withdraw. If your work offers hope and help to others, it will prosper. If you have no allowance for spirit in your life, it will be a rocky road. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, enters your sign on September 9 and will be with you for a full year. There are new options for growth and travel.

Scorpio: You and Aries share one planetary ruler, which is Mars who begins the year for you in your own sign. It can't get much more powerful than that. The positive side is increased energy and passion. Use that extra fire to fight for the rights of others. From April through July it will be alright to protect yourself from oncoming attacks, but do not initiate anything akin to war. You have a second planetary ruler, Pluto, the planet that represents birth, death, and inevitable changes. This planet is parallel to Saturn all year. If you follow its guidance, you will allow authorities to have their way. This is not a year to challenge those with power. You may feel called to seek out a higher power for understanding who you are.

Sagittarius: You may be presently caught in a bind related to resources. This became apparent in August and remains until June. Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, has been squaring Saturn in your sun sign. This is like having a mini-recession within a larger recession. The whole world is caught here with you. Saturn in your sign encourages you to build a new identity, but the Jupiter square says this must be done with limited resources. Have patience. It will take time. In September you will learn that if you focus on what the audience in your life needs or wants, things will go easier for you. Your intuition is usually right but right now it may be blurry. During the holiday season of 2016 there will be fireworks for you.

Capricorn: Saturn, your planetary ruler, is parallel Pluto all year. These are powerful energies and they can take a toll on the body if you don't balance your life between joy and work. There is likely a major transformation occurring in the arena of career or life direction. While it feels very important to you to make decisions for the future, you may return to the drawing pad. Don't frustrate yourself and demand solutions. Your instinct may be to pull inside and close the shutters. Seek psychological help if it is extreme. What is really necessary is a sabbatical of about two years while you reinforce your internal strength. Mercury is in retrograde in your sign through most of January. Resist the temptation to make decisions in January and at the end of December.

Aquarius: Your ruling planet, Saturn, is occupying the territory of friends, organizations, and associates. There is emphasis all year in these arenas. You may be realizing that you spend more of your personal resources (time, energy, or money) to support this field than you gain in return. You have harbored a secret fantasy that somehow your efforts would be recognized, but really they've been taken for granted. This will help you to make better choices about where to volunteer your resources. As 2016 begins, Mercury turns retrograde in your sign, causing you to halt or even reverse decisions of recent weeks. Don't push it or you might regret it later. During February you will feel more ready for commitments. Venus, goddess of love, enters your sign on February 16 and continues through March 5. It is a time to open to personal friendships and make improvements in your appearance. September opens opportunities for travel and education. Late November through December is a creative time for you.

Pisces: The drama occurring in your life could be called "practical realism." This year brings you face to face with your blind spots. This has been developing throughout 2015. It isn't sneaking up on you, although you may have denial areas that will still crack open. Your physical body may be showing the consequences of lack of personal care. Maybe your ego has been bruised and you are hiding from the world. Perhaps you have carried a fantasy in your head for years that you now realize simply cannot be. That is disheartening, but it's better to know about it than to remain blind. Don't hang onto what must inevitably go, but do look for realistic ways to replace and repair that which you really need. Open your mind to the spiritual self and answers will be waiting there for you.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website:

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