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Visiting some hippie hangouts 

My friends call me a dirty hippie — yes, to my face — but I beg to differ. I'm more of a hygienic hippie. I mean, I do hot yoga, but I shower afterward. I just prefer to live a holistic, peaceful, Zen lifestyle — and that includes having an enlightened nightlife.

So, you can imagine how happy this hippie was when Dharma Lounge opened up in SouthEnd -- now I have a place to shake my Buddha -- and do yoga as they offer it on the weekends. Dharma might be the only bar for which you go to find inner peace ... and intoxication. You can also find peace in the fact that Dharma is non-smoking. And come January all the bars will be. Namaste.

When you think of the Common Market do you think of a market-deli? Well, surprise ... it's also a hippie-ish hang-out in SouthEnd and Plaza Midwood.

It's like the Willy Wonka Hop Factory -- you can shop in their massive cooler of unique beers, pay for it, then sit down and drink it. It's a convenience store in the fact it's a self-serve bar -- how convenient.

Common Market has its regulars -- and irregulars, such as me and my girls. We were out on the vacated patio when the DJ put "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" on. We danced as though no one was watching -- because we thought no one was. So we broke it down like Cyndi Lauper all jacked up on Mountain Dew. We even utilized the shop vacuum on the stage as props for microphones.

On the way out the cashier shouted to us, "Bye dancing queens!" And before we could even ask how she saw, she gestured to the monitor above the register pointing out on the patio. That the whole store saw, too.

And for a hippie happy hour, there's the Healing Hands Clinic in SouthPark that offers a monthly Acupuncture Happy Hour where for $10 you can get 15 minutes of acupuncture, a massage and some form of modality treatment from yoga to Reiki. Speaking of which, last Sunday I got reflexology ... at the grocery store. Apparently, the Healthy Home Market has a reflexology therapist in aisle four.

Peace, love, happiness ... and nightlife.

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