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Weekly horoscope (Dec. 4-10) 

Self-discipline needed

For All Signs: Saturn has been in the sign of Scorpio for two years. This month it leaves Scorpio and shifts to Sagittarius for seven months. Then it returns to Scorpio for three months and moves back to Sagittarius. Everyone feels the presence of Saturn, although it affects varying parts of our lives, depending upon its position to the sun sign. Saturn represents manifest reality and the rules we all must live to maintain our social and personal systems. At worst, Saturn symbolizes rigidity, the calcification of fears and the resulting refusal to change. At its best, Saturn is our teacher and requires that we take a look at the facts. It insists on self-discipline and improving the structures of our lives in whatever sector of life it transits.

Aries: The new Saturn cycle calls upon you to study your beliefs for flaws. If they are sound, then commit yourself to establish practical ways in which to manifest them. You must apply what you have learned in the secular world. Expand your mental framework to include a larger social structure.

Taurus: Saturn in Sagittarius will require you to focus on the consequences, responsibilities and liabilities of sharing resources with others. There may be work related to managing your own finances or those of someone else. This is a good period to tackle internal roadblocks that interfere with your ability to achieve genuine intimacy.

Gemini: The new Saturn cycle rivets attention on the quality of relationships. It is time to begin realistically considering your responsibilities in this area and clarify your commitment. It may be time to release those persons who are wasting your time and energy

Cancer: This will be a period of apprenticeship. Now is the time to perfect your experience and knowledge. Practice until the accumulated bits of wisdom become second nature and highly efficient. The subsequent cycle (beginning in 2017) will yield the improvement in status resulting from work now.

Leo: This is the time for intentional application of your creative energy and to take steps toward manifesting your dreams of fulfillment. Something deep inside you, no more than three years in your consciousness, wants to be expressed. Don't anticipate grandiose results on this cycle, but there should be reasonably positive responses from the world if you are on the right track.

Virgo: In terms of worldly influence, you are at the lowest point in the Saturn cycle. We can produce little in the outer world until we develop a sense of a stable internal sanctuary. Define what you must have to feel secure and initiate the steps that will produce it.

Libra: This is a period for you to define and clarify your level of knowledge. You may be called on to adopt a project requiring close concentration. Work toward efficiency and streamlining all communication methods.

Scorpio: The new Saturn cycle asks you to define your values. You may have fewer resources available now, whether that refers to money, energy or time. You are likely to voluntarily forego expenditures on immediate pleasures for longer range objectives.

Sagittarius: It is time to redefine yourself. The old way was good for a long time but it has outlived its purpose and you must now look at yourself more seriously. Focus your attention on personal identity and tighten up all life agendas to match who you wish to become.

Capricorn: This Saturn cycle asks that you be directed inward and you may choose to withdraw from the world. Attempts to capitalize on the social and political power of the last few years will fail to make you happy. You may be drawn to work with those who are deprived or mistreated. Now is a time for spiritual refurbishing and rest.

Aquarius: Saturn's new cycle calls you to take responsibility for your niche in life and clarify the role you wish to play in society. You have knowledge coupled with many social and communications skills and talents. It is time to consider extending these gifts beyond the personal and offer them in service to a larger group. You will experience the outcome of many years' work during the next three years.

Pisces: This is a productive period. Long-term goals and desire for achievement in your outer life may press you to temporarily sacrifice personal life and leisure. It is likely you are either adding responsibilities or departing an old lifestyle to begin a fresh adventure.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee for services.)

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