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Weekly horoscope (Feb. 27-March 5) 

Moving in a slower motion

For All Signs: This week there are three planets changing directions. Mercury will be direct on Feb. 28, after which it pulls back into its normal orbital pattern. On March 1, the planet Mars shifts into reverse after a long, slow deceleration. Aries, Libras and Scorpios are called to the past. Then on March 2, Saturn goes retrograde until July 14. Saturn rules business and corporate development. While retrograde, the associated entities move into a time of slower motion, checking and re-checking planned projects.

Aries: You and another may be in different camps at this time. The situation became apparent in mid-January. You could be in conflict over issues of shared resources, which may include intimacy and sexuality. Sexual desire is strong at this time but can be thwarted by lack of attention to the communion of hearts.

Taurus: Venus and Mars are square again. The first time was in mid-January when the issues were raised between you and another. This is a time of evaluation. If you want to hold onto this relationship and grow it further, new surges of energy and resources are required. You must decide. Is it worth the extra effort?

Gemini: Mercury, your ruling planet, has been retrograding in the area that includes publishing, the law, philosophy and travel. It is possible you have been repeating an activity of the past in one or more of these areas. You have two more weeks to finish and then you will shift into a new direction.

Cancer: During this period there may be a surprising development that opens a different doorway from the direction you thought you were headed. You are conflicted on the subject of romance versus caretaking, which is your natural instinct. Perhaps you are caught in the middle between the needs of a spouse and your children.

Leo: Listen with care to the messages coming to you from the world. You are treading a mine field, but you have helpers all around you. Take strict care of your physical and emotional health.

Virgo: Mercury is turning direct in your house of health. For the past month it may have been difficult to manage your diet and exercise programs. Now the urge to progress forward is nagging at you. Any health problems that have been hard to treat or diagnose will begin to show signs strongly enough that you can get help.

Libra: Your love of luxury and fine things may cause a battle with your partner, who prefers to keep the belt tightened. This reflects a genuine inner conflict. A fairly strong part of you wants to play it safe as well. Look for a way to satisfy your wants less expensively.

Scorpio: Old issues may rise to the surface and cause you to become angry all over again. Maybe you simply have to replay this scenario, but don't attack, lest you be sorry afterward. Take especially good care of vehicles and use care in driving. Your reflexes are not at their best right now.

Sagittarius: You continue to be restless and excitable. You want to make changes in your routine and/or home and hearth. Those who are fortunate have travel plans during this period, which can help you use up some of that extra adrenaline. Your exuberant mood could cause you to overextend your promises.

Capricorn: Venus has been traversing your sign since December. In mid-January it was square to Mars and this week it is so again. This is the action of yin and yang at its worst. It represents challenges between pairs and partners, business and personal. The problems concern values like love and beauty versus practicality.

Aquarius: It may be a challenge to stand up straight this week. The planet Mercury, which has traveled in your sign for three weeks, is shifting to direct motion on the 28th. You will be changing your mind about a lot of things. Something new and exciting related to communications and/or the work environment is also shifting.

Pisces: Put on your roller skates. It will require speed and energy to handle activities this week. Romance is looking up and may bring some surprises. If you have health issues, now is the time to find the right cure. Think twice before purchasing expensive items.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee for services.)

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