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5 Ways to Show Love in a Long-Distance Relationship 

Long-distance relationships can be incredibly challenging, and one of the toughest parts is making your partner feel loved and appreciated from a distance. This is especially hard when their love language is physical touch or quality time spent together, and navigating these challenges is an important lesson. 

Fortunately, there are ways you can make your partner feel loved even from far away. Though there’s nothing quite like being together, here are some things you can do to make them smile even from miles away. 

Send a Monthly Care Package

Make a tradition that once every month, you send your partner a care package to keep them going for a few weeks. Make sure to use a good courier company like to ensure that your things arrive undamaged. 

Send items like a batch of cookies you baked for them, a sweatshirt that smells like you, a new photograph of you and your family, a handwritten letter, some of their favourite candy, a book you’d like them to read, or any other gifts you’d like to give. 

Schedule Regular Video Calls

You might not get to see them every day, but you can make sure to have the next best thing by scheduling video calls every evening or at least a few times a week. Use this time together to catch up on your days, and spend quality time. 

You can even watch the latest movies together via certain platforms or share the music you’ve discovered to strengthen your bond and have an activity to do together. 

Take Interest in Their Life

Being so physically far away from someone can make it difficult to feel like you’re really a part of their life. You might not know the people they spend their time with, where they work and what they’re doing throughout the day.

Asking questions is a great way to feel more involved. Find out how their days go, what they do with their time and how they’re feeling. Ask loads of questions to keep things interesting and to show them you’re interested in them and their life. 

Send Daily Pictures

Another great way to share your lives more easily is by sending pictures to one another every day. You could send selfies, pictures of great meals you have, sunsets that make you smile, or even mundane things like what your office looks like!

This is a great way to feel a little closer to your loved one. 

Plan a Surprise Visit

Of course, the ultimate and most romantic way to show them you love them is to plan a surprise visit so you can spend some real time together. After all, this time together beats any phone call. 

However, planning a surprise trip can be tricky with so much to organise. It’s a good idea to get in touch with someone close to them, such as a parent or a best friend, to help you plan around their schedule and make sure that everything goes well when you arrive. 


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