David Knowles 
Member since Jan 4, 2017


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Re: “Passengers: A Space Idiocy

Titus Most reviewers love jumping on bandwagons. I have had a similar discussions on other reviews so I'm not just picking on Matt.

Actually if you accept he was a stalker, which I don't, then this film actually give them a good name, after all he choose to give up his prey, to give the person he fell in love with by watching her videos, reading her writings and eventually by talking to her. Not many real world stalkers would do that.

2 likes, 19 dislikes
Posted by David Knowles on 02/10/2017 at 5:14 PM

Re: “Passengers: A Space Idiocy

Matt Brunson So stalking is to admire someone from the distant and to try and learn about that person before introducing yourself to herself? or turn it around is it wrong for a women to get to find out a few details about a man before introducing themselves to them?

Let put it this way Matt, have you ever ask a friend about a girl before talking to her, or ask her girlfriends about her dislikes and like are? Have you ever went and look at their twitter, google plus, facebook profiles etc etc before asking a girl out?

There wasn't any rape in this film. There was consensual sex throughout this film. An the stalking was nothing most people in teens, twenties and thirties haven't done in the age of social media and the internet.

People in love make ridiculous choices, by the end of the film contrary to her better judgement, Aurora was just as much in love with Jim.

2 likes, 25 dislikes
Posted by David Knowles on 01/30/2017 at 7:20 PM

Re: “Passengers: A Space Idiocy

Aint that sexist, what you are saying is a women can never desire a man? A women can never feel loneliness to the point where they are willing to murder someone to end that loneliness? That women don't like companionship just as much as a man does?

An like many other premise ultimately Jim decides to accept loneliness, to accept he will never see another human being in his life and offer her a way back to her life, a way see to see the future. Aurora could have had her revenge, she could have punished him but she choose not, we don't truly know if they spent their life in happiness, as friends, as lovers, or just as passengers on a ship living their lives, what we do know is that Jim took a liking to gardening and did a bit of wood carpentry. I would like to think that Aurora spent most of her time writing novels, stories and other bits.

I actually suspect if this was a horror movie many reviewers would have called it derivative and boring, if it was a action movie they would have said the same. I would love to have seen what the critics would write if the roles was reverse, Aurora was the one that was woken up by accident, she was the one that couldn't spend longer than a year alone, that she was the one that woke Jim, that he was the one that went to her room and started beating her up.

Why do I suspect the reviewers would have had sympathy with her, would have understood her view, would have attack Jim for beating her up and even accepted their reconciliation in the end.

5 likes, 37 dislikes
Posted by David Knowles on 01/04/2017 at 6:25 PM

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