Member since Nov 3, 2017


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I think intergenerational relationships should be looked at on a case by case basis. Some young people are just ahead of their peers and are looking for a deeper relationship, weither that be platonic or romantic in nature.
I had a relationship with an adolescent boy that was one of the most pure, honest, relationships I've ever had, and we keep in touch over five years later. He was ahead of his peers and was obvously bi. I never pushed sex on him, or brought drugs or alcohol around him. He told me when he was ready, and I think that for a boylover that is very important. That the boy must steer the ship, the man is spending money for the relationship but the boy is always in control of where it goes. When you bring drugs, alcohol, pornography and bad people around the boy you make the relationship predatory in nature. Never forget a boylover is a teacher and a mentor 1st, the sex stuff isn't even to be thought of, it will or won't come, in time. An earlier poster commented boylovers bring up pederasty during the Greek and cretian ages, and he made fun of this. What's funny is the boylove was a right of passage and the boy was becoming a man. We have lost this in modern society and we have lost a part of manhood as a result. I would expect comments ,that the poster made, from an American sheeple totally ignorant of Hellenistic culture. Oh also modern times? In modern times we celebrate samhein(Halloween), recognize an 'easter bunny', and 'santa Claus' if that ain't enough fantasy I don't know want is. I think modern American society is sick, this society gets kids into debt and dangerous behaviors at a young ages and then attempts to control the smart ones who want to get out of this sick, war mongering, spiritually bankrupt society. Last but not least I'm happy to find a message board that isn't taken over by moralists trying to highjack a discussion on intergenerational intimacy, they make it so our voice can't be heard and we are silenced. I have noticed those people are like bullies, if the crowd supports them or agrees they will continue with their jokes and insults, but if they see most are honestly interested in a open minded discussion they will leave. We must band together and realize we aren't monsters for these relationships. I loved my boy for his innocence, and the intimacy he gave me, I just wished someone like myself could have been there to reassure me I wasn't a monster but a boylover

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Posted by JoshuaPowell1 on 11/03/2017 at 9:33 AM

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