Jeremy Dial 
Member since Feb 1, 2018


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Re: “Hip new conservative cuss word: 'brown shirt'

Wow, reading this I see that you are not biased at all. "because they have a differing opinion. Or, perhaps they're "different" people (meaning non-Caucasian, liberal or because they speak with an accent) " Did not take you long to twist conservatives calling people Nazi with racism. Strange, in your section of this piece where you point out what a Nazi is, you failed to even recognize that the Nazi is German for National Socialist workers party. (I know, I know, including this would be an embarrassment especially when the Democratic Party damn near ran an admitted socialist as their candidate as president). You gleaned over that as you tried to paint them only as monsters (which the German high command was) instead of painting them as they really were: People that had dealt with many years of economic collapse and turmoil and fell for the rhetoric spoken by a charismatic young politician that brought new ideas and energy. Rhetoric that Government would solve all of the problems with social programs for housing, social programs to provide every German with a new Car (research the history of Volkswagen), schooling and jobs. Promises that Government would solve all of your problems. Sound like anyone? And this Government control by the National Socialist party led to where far reaching Government control always leads, to the slaughter of innocents.

3 likes, 2 dislikes
Posted by Jeremy Dial on 02/01/2018 at 7:59 PM

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