Cathy Spargo 
Member since Sep 11, 2013


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Re: “North Carolina no longer gives a damn

I copied these two comments to be able to respond, I noticed that they were made in August of this year, 2013, I just now got to read this article today in September of 2013! At least these dear children will be in Jesus own home schools to go to with mommy as the most QUALIFIED teacher (who God commands us should NEVER work outside of the home and always submit to her husband and have lots of white babies) and learn that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, that Adam and Eve were real and rode Dinosaurs and that this is a 100% Christian fundamentalist only nation! They'll need all that faith for the life time of abuse, violence low pay and poverty libertarians, the Tea Trash and ALEC have planned for them!
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Posted by DoubleDogDiogenes on 08/12/2013 at 10:55 PM

Double...I understand your sarcasm, however, I'd like to point out that most Christians do not actually think that way and aren't as naive or uneducated as you portray them. I am a teacher and a Christian, and I'm just as disgusted with our state government. And, side note, the Bible actually commends a woman for working outside the home and notes a woman who does such things as respectable. Proverbs 31. :-)

This is what I have to say to Doubledog about his article! I am not a teacher or student anymore but you have just shown how ignorant some people can be on this subject! Why do you not go to the Word of God to see where you are wrong! However you choose to believe is between you and your creator and you cannot take some subjects from God's Word and just say whatever you want too no matter who it may hurt! If you truly know God's word and are claiming Christianity you would not post things such as this! I believe that the teacher who responded to you is truly a Christian because of how she answered your reply..think about it!!!

Posted by Cathy Spargo on 09/11/2013 at 4:30 PM

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