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Film Clips 

CL's movie reviews are rated on a four-star scale.

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SPANGLISH Tea Leoni should probably win some sort of Good Sport award for enduring the humiliations that writer-director James L. Brooks throws her way in this otherwise easy-to-take comedy-drama. Leoni is forced to take the character of the neurotic LA woman to the extreme -- she's presented as a miserable excuse for a companion, a wife and mother whose behavior makes her absolutely insufferable. The movie's true star is Spanish actress Paz Vega, who delivers a luminescent performance as a Mexican immigrant who accepts a job as housekeeper for a sensitive chef (Adam Sandler) and his lunatic wife (Leoni). Brooks juggles the story's themes with ease, and most of his cast responds in kind. Indeed, the only sour note in this melodious movie comes from Leoni's character, and fortunately, it's ultimately not enough to cripple the film.

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