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Green Arrow and Black Canary: It had potential to be great 

Green Arrow and Black Canary No. 16

Published by DC Comics. Written by Andrew Kreisberg. Pencils by Mike Norton. Inks by Josef Rubinstein.

The Deal: It's the latest issue of Green Arrow and Black Canary -- featuring the new creative team of Andrew Kreisberg and Mike Norton.

The Good: The cover sure is pretty.

The Bad: Let me play psychic for a second and predict that this book will be canceled soon -- and that's a shame because it had the potential to be great. Green Arrow used to be the star of his own book, and Black Canary really got star treatment as a character in the fan-favorite Birds of Prey series. On top of that, both heroes have connections with almost every star in the DC Universe. But as soon as the series started, problems were evident. Writer Judd Winick's stint on the comic presented a 13-issue tale that strung along readers with lame cliffhangers and almost no character development. Finally, Winick left the book and writer Andrew Kreisberg took over. But after reading two issues of Kreisberg's run, it's clear to see that he doesn't have what it takes to save the comic. To rescue this series, Green Arrow and Black Canary needed a creative defibrillator; Kreisberg, however, is merely rolling out another rather uninteresting superhero adventure. And there are other problems, too: The fiercely independent Black Canary is portrayed as Green Arrow's sidekick instead of an equal partner; the villain in this issue, Merlyn the archer, is a Z-list bad guy; and the big reveal at the end of the comic is incredibly stupid. And that's just the story. The art, by Mike Norton, looks rushed and bland.

The Verdict: I would love to read a great comic starring Green Arrow and Black Canary, but this one ain't it.

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