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Horoscope for Nov. 11-17, 2009 

Scorpio The Phoenix (Oct. 23-Nov. 20):

Fear of the unknown, or perhaps the skeleton in the closet, may want to control your mind. Cultivate a better mental habit, one that gives you hopeful thoughts and no negativity. About 90 percent of what we worry about never comes to fruition.

For All Signs: This week is the first of the three Saturn square Pluto aspects that will be prominent over the next two years. This energy calls for cleaning up the debris of our world and our psyches, in order to promote significant growth and development later. We are already watching the "demolition crews" in almost every sector: finance, investments, infrastructures, and government, to name just a few. As the Old Guard takes its tumble, let us hold onto the purpose of it all: rebuilding a new world that is really ready for the 21st century growth that we need. If we intend to have a strong world ahead of us, we must be willing to turn over the earth and excavate the mold. Keep the faith through these months.

Aries: Irritability and a tendency to short temper may be your companion this week. Take especially good care of your body at this time. You are in a physically low cycle and subject to accident or minor injuries with tools or vehicles.

Taurus: Beware of any martyr-like thoughts in relation to your partner(s). You could be seeing yourself as all-giving, all-loving. No one is really like that. Give what you are willing to give because you love the Other.

Gemini: Early in the week you may feel as though you came from another planet. Communications may be misunderstood, snarled, or lost altogether. After the weekend, you move toward a new focus that will be mind expanding.

Cancer: Circumstances this week may be ideal for communicating with your partner. Perhaps a trusted person, known to you both, will be available and can help you work through some issues. Or maybe you will simply experience a good week together, without tackling challenges or hot subjects.

Leo: You may have unusually strong feelings concerning family or property issues. It is possible that you will want to confront someone outright and change his/her mind. The possibility is that you do not have all the facts. Don't obsess or set up an ego battle.

Virgo: Irritability may interfere with your thinking processes this week. Beware the temptation to trap yourself over minor issues. After the weekend, your attention will shift to more pleasant thoughts concerning home, hearth and family


Libra: This month there may be an experience concerning your home or your family that will leave you feeling "older" than you were before. Of course you are not, but you are accepting a new responsibility of maturity. As for age, you may become aware that you are not as physically strong as in the past.

Sagittarius: Mercury travels rapidly through your sign between Nov 15 and Dec. 4. During this period there likely will be greater emphasis on communications, errands and other short distance travels. You are loaded with ideas, so remember to give others the option to speak also,.

Capricorn: You are in the midst of major change. If it hasn't become apparent yet, it likely will this week. Your work in the world (career) must be reinvigorated if you want to maintain forward-motion. Maybe you are choosing to let the situation go in peace.

Aquarius: Someone behind the scenes may want to see you fail. It is important that you handle everything exactly as it is required. Dot every "I" and cross all "T's". If a legal situation is on your table, do your own research as much as possible. Then talk it over with an attorney.

Pisces: Your mouth may get you in trouble this week if you allow yourself to speak without thinking. Choose your words carefully because you are also prone to draw inaccurate conclusions.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site:

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