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Horoscope for Nov. 12 — Nov. 18, 2008 

Scorpio the Phoenix: (Oct. 23-Nov. 20)

This week brings closure on numerous fronts in your life. You are preparing to move into a new 14-year cycle and you want to do so with a clean slate. You are internally through with karmic debt that you have dragged around since 1995. Let bygones be bygones.

For All Signs: Last week there were few planetary aspects. I interpreted this as a respite within a storm, a time for us to take a breath. This week there are many more aspects, particularly from Mercury. This suggests that all things related to contracts, communications, journalism and decisions are now in rapid forward motion. The country has been holding its collective breath since the beginning of September, and this is the week to begin implementing the changes that are needed in order to move onward.

Aries: As the week begins, you are concluding items of business related to finances, investments or shared resources. On the 16th you will notice a shift into a new direction. It will likely be related to contacting people at a distance, preparing to travel, seeking professional advice or focused on education.

Taurus: For the next four weeks your attention is focused in the areas of travel, education, publishing, teaching, the law and the Internet. Venus, your ruling planet, will generally smile upon you when you work within these territories. People will want to support you.

Gemini: Early in the week communications may be confused due to the emotional sensitivities of those around you. On the weekend your plans begin to flow smoothly from one thing to the next. Your ideas for resolving problems are useful and good for everyone.

Cancer: You will encounter strong-willed people during this period who may wish to control your activities. Your old trick is to pull in your claws and hide in your shell. Maybe this time you should step up to the plate and state your position (respectfully, of course).

Leo: This is a time in which you may be somehow making up for the failures or the drawbacks of a partner or "other" in your life. You want others to see the best in him or her and you hope to shift the focus away from anything that may seem to you not up to a certain standard.

Virgo: Feelings around your workplace are intense and require your ability to smooth troubled waters. You are connecting the dots after the challenges of recent weeks and coming up with new solutions to old problems.

Libra: Venus is your ruling planet and "she" represents your cooperative and affable personality, along with your attraction to beauty in all its forms. Between Nov. 12 and Dec. 6 she is traveling through the sector which is related to home, property and family matters.

Sagittarius: You are designing new plans to complete a project and things are going smoothly. On the 16th Mars enters your sign. This energy is best used to handle physically heavy projects or take initiatives that you might not otherwise tackle.

Capricorn: You continue to be in a phase in which consultants can be really helpful to your business. You feel an openness to new ideas and solutions for old problems. Relationships to all significant people are flowing smoothly.

Aquarius: Stressors of the recent weeks may have you on edge. It could be easy for you to have problems with communications now. Compensate for this problem by concentrating on speaking the truth as you know it, and listening very carefully to what the other tells you.

Pisces: Friends or business associates are especially helpful and supportive to your individual pursuits at this time. People who were beneficial to your life ten years ago are repeating the cycle again. As the week ends you may experience minor challenges via allergies or other hard to define maladies.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site:

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