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Horoscope Nov. 18-24, 2009 

Sagittarius The Archer (Nov. 22-Dec. 20):

The sun returns "home" to your sign this week. You likely will find it to be energizing. Now is the time to focus on new plans for this next year of your life. This week may be challenging for those on a diet or other self-improvement program. You are prone to self-indulgence right now.

For All Signs: Venus, goddess of love, and Mars, the warrior, are squared off for battle at this time. Many relationships are up for review. Those which are basically firm will be tweaked and fine-tuned. Unseasoned relationships may be dropped. This occurs not only between individuals, but also among governments and special interest groups. In particular, we will be reviewing relationships and/or projects begun late in the spring and early summer of 2009.

Aries: You and another may be in different camps at this time. The one who plays Venus' role is the one asking for more sharing. Mars wants the power. Sexual desire is strong at this time but can be thwarted by lack of attention to the communion of hearts.

Taurus: You are involved in a strained relationship during this time. Your partner or significant other is on your side in the matter. However, outside irritants, such as family members, may be stirring the pot and setting up trouble. Hold onto the core between you and do not allow outside forces to interfere.

Gemini: Your heart and mind are in conflict over an issue in your relationship(s). You want to maintain peace and would like to accommodate your partner's needs. However, you know in your heart that if you give what is requested, you may become resentful. Search for a win-win solution.

Cancer: You have a plan and you know what you want to do. However, in some ways it requires the cooperation of your partner or another person. Your helper has ideas of his/her own and will require persuasion. The "other's" issue is about freedom of choice, or it may be a philosophical difference. Discuss some workarounds until you find the winning solution.

Leo: With Mars in your sign, you are most inclined to do your own thing and set your own pace. A family member or one who is your responsibility may be dragging on your coat sleeve. This is short-lived. Make the best deal you can for you both and move on.

Virgo: This is a relatively smooth week. You may have some worry in the areas of children, lover, and/or creative enterprises. You want to hang onto your sense of security and safety. But in the meantime, if you are to add some fun in your life, it will require a stretch into risk. Go for it.

Libra: There are demands on your resources this week from a number of areas. One of them is personal because you have fewer dollars right now. Another comes from family responsibilities that cannot really be avoided. Equipment around home may break and require repair bills.

Scorpio: This is not your best week for getting along with others on the playground or at home. Even if you keep to yourself, you may attract those who want to take pokes at you. The energies are short-lived, no more than a few days, and you can return to harmony.

Capricorn: A minor development with a business contact or a professional associate puts pressure on you to decide whether to stop now or keep on going. Negotiations, if occurring, are challenging and you may feel as though you are manipulated in some way. Argue only if it seems very important to you.

Aquarius: You are prone to self-indulgence right now. Fortunately there is also a "careful" symbol that suggests you will figure out a reasonable and practical trade for your splurge. Maybe a longer workout, or a plan to make more money.

Pisces: You are in a high energy zone this week. You want to go everywhere and do everything at once. You feel generous to others and they to you. If money is an issue, then you would be better off to leave credit cards at home. Activities that involve physical self-expression are favored.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments.

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