Merica Broome 
Member since May 22, 2014


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Re: “Misappropriating Native American culture is not entertainment

As someone with Native American blood, I've been really interested in this sudden trend of outrage over themed events, costumes, etc. I personally do not feel offended by this. If it was an event centered around the hatred of the Native American history and culture or outright hate speech etc, I would be offended.. as I would be offended for any group of people that had a hate event formed about them. This show, however, was not organized to tear down our culture, hurt feelings, show hatred, attack, belittle and otherwise harm Native American people or history. I believe that to the fullest. I think there is a HUGE issue in this country today of over sensitivity and over compensation for negative history. Yes, absolutely horrific things took place... Things that people should be aware of... The answer is not to attack anything inspired by Native American history. That's honestly ridiculous. To attack a positive event that took it's name from a positive event in Native American culture is a waste of energy. Attack the actual hateful things people do. This country is made up of many different people and cultures. Accept each other, be inspired by each others history, respect each others creative expression. No one is being hurtful to our culture. No one is using this as a venue to attack the culture. The event is inspired by and is a creative expression using Native American themes. People aren't perfect and may have stepped on toes before, however, everyone needs to be aware that being oversensitive doesn't cure racism in this country, it feeds it. Have a great day. A little side note: if you intend on writing professionally for a larger organization/have a long term career in journalism, you should learn to write articles without profanity and to present your information more clearly and more factual. This was a terrible and disappointing article and does not reflect well on you as a writer or CL. Have a great day.

15 likes, 32 dislikes
Posted by Merica Broome on 05/22/2014 at 3:40 PM

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