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nuVoices for a nuGeneration Festival

We're not exactly sure what to expect from the nuVoices for a nuGeneration Festival, but we can guarantee new plays by new (read: unknown) playwrights. The fest, which runs from August 9-12 at Actor's Theatre of Charlotte, features four works: Jen Silverman's Still, Sevan Kaloustian Greene's Narrow Daylight, James Marlow's Scene of Dreams Bar & Grill NoLa and Mike Bencivenga's Summer on Fire. The four plays were selected by a panel of ATC theater folk from a total of 288 submissions. One of the more compelling, Greene's Narrow Daylight (directed by Peter Smeal), tells the story of a grieving mother who lost her son in the Iraq War. While struggling with her loss, a mysterious Iraqi girl approaches the mother, claiming to be her dead son's wife.

— Anita Overcash

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