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SPECIAL EVENT: Carolinas' Thanksgiving Day Parade 

Thursday, Nov. 27

It's Thanksgiving, so of course it's time to get stuffed (just be thankful you aren't a turkey). With that being said it's also time to catch up with family members you haven't seen in ages and watch the Carolinas' Thanksgiving Day Parade. You might not give a rats ass about standing out in the cold to watch the streets fill with floats and to end with the man himself, Santa Claus -- but it's tradition (and it's been happening for 61 years, for crying out loud). So get yourself out to the parade (by the way, it kicks off earlier this year, so if you can make it out, you still have plenty of time to eat and fall asleep). Free. 10 a.m. Begins at Tryon at 9th, turns left onto 3rd and ends between Davidson and McDowell on 3rd. 704-525-0250.

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