Spencer Rhodes 
Member since Jun 17, 2013


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Re: “Man of Steel: It's a bore! It's a pain! It's Stuporman!

Since people seem to think that I am some sort of child, let me back track and try to keep things simple and "mature".

From the comments, it appears that this film is very black and white in terms of like and dislike. People either love it or hate it. I personally loved the film. I thought the story was original enough, I thought that there were plenty of surprises throughout the film, and the action was simply unbelievable. Personally, it annoys me that people compare this to Michael Bay and any other popular sci-fi film. This film has CGI and action like I have never seen, and I think that's exactly what they wanted to deliver.

I have no problem with people not liking this film, as long as they can give good reasons for not liking it and don't go overboard. The reason I was so infuriated initially was because of comments in the review such as, "There's a strong possibility that Man of Steel might be the dullest superhero saga ever filmed," or even the title itself. Comparing it to awful movies like The Green Lantern and saying that it is worst is just as frustrating. It just doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't help when other people say things like, "If you like shiny things and moving, soulless visuals, I have a set of keys you can borrow. Jiggle them in your face and save some money." That literally makes no sense.

All in all, I loved the film, and I can't wait to see what comes next from this re-boot.

21 likes, 43 dislikes
Posted by Spencer Rhodes on 06/18/2013 at 2:00 PM

Re: “Man of Steel: It's a bore! It's a pain! It's Stuporman!

First of all, I have said plenty of substantial things, but you are simply ignoring them in favor of being a hypocrite and hinting that I am a complete fool.

Secondly, I am not a Superman fanboy. I haven't even read a single Superman comic. It may appear that I am because I act as if I know what Superman fans wanted. I am only saying so because I have heard so from friends who are Superman fanboys who loved the movie, as well as from other forums and comment threads I have read online.

Lastly, you can leave that arrogant, know-it-all attitude somewhere else. Maybe the reason people are being so negative towards you is because of that. Better yet, maybe it's because they think you're completely off base about this movie...

24 likes, 46 dislikes
Posted by Spencer Rhodes on 06/17/2013 at 5:27 PM

Re: “Man of Steel: It's a bore! It's a pain! It's Stuporman!

I'm a sucker for great visuals. One might say that my generation is being spoiled by the evolving HD nature of TV and film. On the contrary, it simply makes things all the more realistic, and isn't that what movies and TV are about? Putting our imaginations on the big screen? This movie is what most Superman fans, as well as most people, wanted out of it. This movie took CGI to a whole new level. It also gave a fresh re-take on a classic superhero story, and added layers upon layers of depth that, although do not fit perfectly together, still provide something substantial over the action. The fact that there are some minor flaws does not make this film terrible, and certainly not a "superbore". All your review did was completely over-exaggerate a few things that could have been better. Critics like you make me sick, because you can't see anything but your own view.

26 likes, 47 dislikes
Posted by Spencer Rhodes on 06/17/2013 at 4:17 PM

Re: “Man of Steel: It's a bore! It's a pain! It's Stuporman!

I really just do not understand how anyone can hate this movie. Yes, the pacing was not that great. Yes, their were plot holes. Yes, the character development wasn't quite there. But does that mean that the movie sucked? Absolutely not! It is a visual marvel, and I have never seen CGI like I did in this movie. That alone makes this movie stand out from the likes of The Avengers, which in comparison to Man Of Steel, looks like a small-time middle school play.

I will gladly re-watch this movie again. And again, and again...

29 likes, 48 dislikes
Posted by Spencer Rhodes on 06/17/2013 at 2:46 PM

Re: “Man of Steel: It's a bore! It's a pain! It's Stuporman!

Dear Mr. Brunson,

Your opinion about this film could not be more infuriating to the majority of Americans who think this movie was fantastic. Let's set-aside all the foolish comparisons to the Superman movies of old, because let's face it, you simply can not compare movies in the 21st century to anything from the 20th century. Marvel films, The Dark Knight trilogy, and Man Of Steel, are shining examples of what the masses want in a superhero film. How can you watch the action in this movie and not get butterflies? How can you begin to say Man Of Steel and bore in the same sentence? I was literally flying on the edge of my seat watching this film. This film stretched my imagination in ways that I can not even fathom, and made it all look POSSIBLE! I'm not saying any of this to sway your opinion, because I know that just will not happen. Rather, I am saying this just to let you know that you sound like a complete fool to almost everyone who reads this review.

Side note: Oh yes, Pa-Kent definitely doesn't care about his wife. That's why he made his super-human son make sure that she was safe while he rescued the dog -_- The only problem with that scene is the fact that Mama Kent left the dog in the car in the first place.


28 likes, 48 dislikes
Posted by Spencer Rhodes on 06/17/2013 at 9:32 AM

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