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Aug. 10 - Aug. 16, 2006

The Lion (July 22 -- Aug. 22)

Those in co-dependent relationships are under stress now. You may be the one who has rescued ad nauseam and now you no longer have the emotional energy. Or, if you have not been handling your own baggage, your helper is totally fatigued. We each need to accept our personal responsibilities.

For All Signs This is no ordinary summer in the cosmos. We are dealing with a major planetary configuration. Saturn is opposite Neptune. Every illusion is being held up to the test of hard reality. Personally, we are slammed with the results of whatever has been our long-term addiction along with its concomitant denial processes. The cosmos is screaming: "Time's up! You've been warned. Now things are cracking. Change is mandated and the time is now." Fantasies feed the spirit and warm our hearts. If we have not kept them in balance with consensus reality, we are having a tough ride. See below for how this may affect your sun and rising signs.

Aries Realities may be turning up in your romance, creative life and relationships to children. It is possible that you are reaching the limits of your ability to manage things alone. One child or creative issue clearly needs your focused concentration.

Taurus You may be watching your inner sense of social and career importance crumble. You are not the first in the world to commit hubris and you won't be the last. It is not fatal. You are realizing that the truth of home and family is stronger than career.

Gemini You could be knee deep in street, water or plumbing problems, in your car, home or neighborhood. It is best if you adopt a philosophical point of view and fix what is broken. Those in educational or communications fields may be required to show proof they are qualified to do what they do.

Cancer Your financial belt has been pretty tight for more than a year, and you have fantasized that some kind of help would rescue you. Unfortunately, it is probably not true. You may also be concerned with your spiritual condition and physical body at this time.

Virgo You know in your heart that you have come to the end of a career cycle. You need to get some rest before you tackle the next big project. But it's scary out there and of course, you need to earn a living. Find a way to re-energize yourself and genuinely change your attitude, even if it is a short term arrangement.

Libra Venus' children are so sweet and have such pleasant personalities, so it's hard to believe that it seems friends are unavailable now. You must reserve some energy for maintaining your long-term goals, and perhaps, finding new realities about lovers or children.

Scorpio You have focused so much attention on life goals that you may be losing family and loved ones. No relationship is permanent unless you give it focused attention now and then. Stay on your toes at work. Don't allow anyone to undermine your effort.

Sagittarius The "rules" of law, justice and all bodies of authority are demanding more than their fair share of you. Saturn, a planet of karma, may be exacting a great price for this issue and past events for which you did not have to pay. It may have an effect upon where you will live.

Capricorn The Goats pride themselves on their realistic way of dealing with the world. You will soon discover that you harbor your own illusions. Saturn will not allow you to count upon financial help from others at this time, and tax or licensing issues may present a challenge.

Aquarius Your long history of rescuing behavior may have run your personal energy into the ground at this point. You cannot continue to carry another in a basket, lest you break your own back. An event is soon to develop that will make this boundary clear to you.

Pisces You are prone to live in the ethereal much of the time, swinging on a spiritual platform. Saturn is demanding that you have all your details, files and requirements in order. Take very good care of your physical body.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site:

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