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July 9 – July 15, 2008

Cancer the Crab: (June 21 -- July 21)

Early in the week you need extra rest or time to yourself. Thoughtful solitude will yield important insights about your life. Mercury is entering your sign and by the 12th you will want to talk to a trusted friend about all you have come to understand.

For All Signs: Mars, the god of war, continues to travel alongside Saturn, the taskmaster. They are actually visible in the evening sky, to the west of Venus. This combination of energies suggests it is not a good time to take risks of any type. Stay with the traditional path. The ideal activity would be challenging work that involves patience, endurance, and finely tuned skills in metal crafting. Most of us do not hone swords, but we can focus our attention on a project that requires this type of concentration.

Aries: Give attention to the lead paragraph because it particularly applies to you. It is possible that you are experiencing considerable anger during this period. Unfortunately this is not a good time to release the feelings with direct confrontation. Shift to exercise if possible.

Taurus: Venus is your ruling planet and "she" represents your affable personality, along with your attraction to beauty in all its forms. You, represented by Venus, are traveling through the sector which is related to home, property and family matters for four weeks.

Gemini: This is an extremely full week for the Twins. Both of you will be fully occupied. You have romance on the 9th, circumstances beyond your control or your liking on the 10th, probable travel, a need to heal another on the 13th, and return to a comfortable pace things by the 14th.

Leo: This is generally a favorable week. Your daily routine is improved by someone positive who enters the picture. If not a person, then you may be enjoying new equipment or a happier schedule. Aspects favor travel, trying new experiences and education, whether studying or teaching.

Virgo: The beginning of this week is a toughie. Use particular caution when driving or using tools. You have more than your fair share to accomplish right now. Your body is in a low physical cycle. You may need to make a compromise between resting and doing what must be done. Don't cheat either need.

Libra: Venus, your ruling planet, travels with you into the territory of friendships, community and organizational affairs. Over the next four weeks she will enhance your presence at any activity in this sphere. It is a good time to plan a party for friends or to meet new people at any sort of gathering.

Scorpio: Take special notice of the lead paragraph. This is a seriously hard-working period. Whatever the project, it involves considerable lifting, pushing, pulling and grunt work. Be very conscious of good body posture.

Sagittarius: You continue to travel through a high-flying time. You have your eye on the big picture and it looks grand indeed. A word of caution: Your optimistic attitude and belief that you are right could cause you to become arrogant. If you want others to join your ride, give them a special place on the wagon.

Capricorn: A legal or ethical issue requires a tremendous amount of time and attention. You are angry about this because you know you are in the right and the Goats despise wasting time. There is someone you can contact who will help you find a loophole or a way around the problem.

Aquarius: You are presented with more than one conflict of interest this week. You will have to make adjustments for cohorts, employees or even pets who need your help. Time may become an issue, but you will be successful in bringing everything to order eventually.

Pisces: You have favorable aspects for travel, romance, friendships and taking pleasure in new experiences. This sounds like a vacation. If it is not, this week will still rank near the top of your high weeks of the summer.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site:

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