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For the week of November 21-27, 2002

For All Signs Venus, goddess of love, has been retrograding since mid-October. On November 21 she turns direct, which represents a shift toward the better in the world of relationships with eventual restoration to order (if indeed, relationships can ever be considered "orderly"). Many of us have been pressed to encounter ourselves and our personal behavior within the framework of our relationships. Those in shaky attachments may have withdrawn altogether. Between now and the end of the year we will be cleaning up the debris and hopefully we have emerged with better clarity about our needs and values.

Aries This is your week to shine. Aspects favor business, negotiations, electronics, athletics, and relationships to partner(s), community, and friends. Your attitude is upbeat, practical, and open to fair give and take. If you choose to take the initiative, others will join your lead.

Taurus Take note of the lead paragraph, Bulls. Venus is your ruling planet and her change of direction this week may coincide with a shift in your primary relationship. Those with pending relationship decisions may now sense more readiness to arrive at resolution.

Gemini A significant person from your past may contact you during this period, just to say hello. Aspects favor relationships, romance, partners, and friends. Travel, whether for business or pleasure, augurs well. Your intuition and creativity are strong. You may enjoy daydreaming or other pleasurable escapes.

Cancer Circumstances are shifting again in the areas of children and lovers. You may feel the need to return once again to a previous condition, just to see if things might have changed. If they have not, let go and leave in good conscience. Life is too short to wait forever.

Leo Your attention is shifting into the areas of children, recreation, personal creativity, and romance. You are ready for playtime and likely to be thinking about what fun activities you can generate. You love preparing for the holidays. It gives you a platform to share your warm-hearted and generous side.

Virgo Needs of home and family conflict with career demands this week. Paperwork may be a nuisance factor. You have a desire to make your environment more attractive and more efficient. Consider adding a file cabinet, new shelving, or other storage items that might improve your attitude.

Libra This week brings positive payoffs from previous efforts, along with a dash of general good fortune. You may now be ready to take the initiative in business plans and others likely will be cooperative. Social life, romance, and creative endeavors are favored.

Scorpio See the lead paragraph because Venus has been in your sign since early September. Your recent tendency to withdraw is likely to shift soon. You are arriving at new realizations concerning relationships. Meanwhile you have positive aspects concerning taxes, loans, insurance, home, family and property.

Sagittarius The sun returns "home" to your sign this week. Now is the time to focus on new plans for this next year of your life. Take a fresh look at where you want to direct your energy. It is appropriate that your attention be directed toward personal goals, but remember to give attention to loved ones too.

Capricorn Paperwork continues to be the bane of your existence. However, the most important feature of this week is that you gain a payoff from previous efforts. If you need to assert yourself and your ideas, now is the time. Your physical cycle is on an upswing.

Aquarius Waterbearers can do almost no wrong this week. Aspects favor travel, legal activities, publishing, and anything related to people from a distance. Relationships to children, friends, and/or lovers flow unusually well. You may hear from a long-lost friend.

Pisces Friends and business associates out of the past may resurface during this period. Your intuition is very good and will serve you well. Don't hesitate to speak about it. Your creative talent is highlighted and generates productive results. Communications and contracts are favored.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website:

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