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For the week of May 29-June 4, 2003

For All Signs
On June 3, Saturn enters the sign of Cancer. This is important because it heralds a three-year era. Saturn represents the "rules" by which we all must live to maintain our social and personal systems. It insists on self-discipline and organization, and improving the structures of our lives in whatever sector of life it transits. See below for its impact on you.

In terms of worldly power you are at the bottom of the Saturn cycle. It is time now to lay the foundations for the next 28 years. You need a stable internal sanctuary and a home in good repair. Elderly family and/or property may deteriorate and dominate for a time.
This is the beginning of a period for you to define and clarify your level of knowledge. You may take on a project requiring close concentration and sharpened communication skills. Work toward efficiency and streamlining all communication methods over the next three years.

You may have fewer resources available now, whether that refers to money, energy or time, and discrimination will be necessary to maximize efficiency. You are more interested in long range objectives and investments than temporary pleasures.

It is time to redefine yourself. The old way was good but it has lost its glitter and you must now look again at who you want to be. What are the potentials not yet developed? What is the best way to contribute your gifts to a greater whole?

The new Saturn cycle asks that you be directed inward and you may choose to withdraw from the world. Career events or your own attitude may move you into a side track from the mainstream for the present. Now is a time for spiritual refurbishing and R&R before the next 28-year cycle begins.

It is time to study your niche in life and clarify the role you wish to play in society. You have much to offer in social and communications skills and talents. It is time to consider extending these gifts beyond the personal and offer them in service to a larger group.

For those who are happy with life goals, the next three years bring greater responsibility in broader social structures. Those unhappy with current life goals are ready for a significant closure, leaving a space in life for fresh adventure.

The new cycle calls upon you to take your beliefs seriously and commit yourself to establish practical ways in which to manifest them. The arena may be legal, religious, philosophical or educational. The world requires that you expand your usual territory to include a larger social structure.

The next three years require you to focus on the consequences, responsibilities and liabilities of sharing resources with others. There may be work to do concerning financial management and your partner's income may decrease.

Begin realistically considering your responsibilities in the area of relationships and clarify your commitment. Existing relationships that are positive in your life become more well defined. It may be time to release those persons who are wasting your precious time and energy.

In the last 12 years you have accumulated a broad index of experience and knowledge. Now is the time to perfect it, to practice until the accumulated bits of wisdom become second nature and highly efficient. Give serious attention to the needs of your physical body.

This is the time to take your creative energy seriously and begin the steps to make manifest your dreams of fulfillment. Something deep inside you, no more than two or three years in your consciousness, wants to be expressed. Romances must be serious or they are not worth your energy.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website:

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