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For the week of September 15, 2004

For All Signs The Autumnal Equinox occurs precisely at 12:30pm EDT on Sept. 22. This is the theoretical point of equal day and night that teeters annually at the point of the northern hemisphere's slide toward winter. Many tribes and cultures of eras gone by considered the equinox and solstice points as holy days in which to give tribute to their conception of universal power. Most of those cultures also gave greater honor in an ongoing way to the soul of Mother Earth than we do now.

Aries You have the go signal from someone important in your life, so now is the time to take off and fly. You may be launching a new business or a side branch of a work already in progress. Aspects favor the pursuit of these ideas now.

Taurus Deception in relationship(s) is possible at this time. It may be the desire to prove how unselfish you are, which is probably not true. Beware of your tendency to idealize others, because this week you may see them fall off a pedestal.

Gemini You may be feeling an intense need to persuade others to your point of view. It could lead to a temporary obsession with an idea or a plan. It is also possible that you may experience someone close to you who just will not let a subject be.

Cancer This is an excellent time to take a class or find someone to teach you skills that you need. Activities involving short distance travel, communications, education, and contracts are all favored. Your energy level is good and you feel stronger.

Leo An opportunity comes your way that will sustain you financially until you have the time (about one year to 18 months) to make a major transition in life direction. You are disillusioned or disappointed with one individual, but thoroughly intrigued with another.

Virgo This is a high stress week with multiple activities begging your attention. A situation on the home front is making demands and someone may be attempting to manipulate you. You have arrived at a positive point related to your living space that you have worked toward for quite awhile.

Libra Beware of new romances or friendships now! A situation will arise in which you are tempted to give of yourself in grand style. Think carefully before you do so. If it is not really in your heart, you will ultimately wind up as a victim of your "goodness."

Scorpio Beware of the tendency to get hooked into an idea that becomes a temporary obsession. You may feel that you know exactly what others need, but if they don't agree, you must accept that it isn't right for them. Meanwhile a minor, but helpful, work opportunity comes your way.

Sagittarius You are bringing a conclusion to an important project of many months. You have a desire to celebrate and enjoy your success. But there is another voice, one that is critical and demanding, that seeks absolute perfection. Maybe it is your own.

Capricorn Business opportunities are out there in spades, particularly if you are dealing with people from a distance. Now is the time to grow your territory. Travel, education, and legal activities are all in your favor. The relationship to partner, spouse, and family members is especially positive.

Aquarius You and a significant other, a partner, or a client, could be doing a strange little dance this week. One of you is "damaged" somehow, and the other wants to be the "savior." But no one can be the savior. All you can really do is listen and care for the other with honesty.

Pisces Those in helping or healing professions will be called upon to sacrifice for the greater good. Be cautious before you dive into the fray. It is possible that someone is just using your energy and may not appreciate its value.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website:

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