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For the week of November 17, 2004

For All Signs The cosmic lesson this week is on the subject of grief. If you are feeling sorrow, remember that feelings have a life of their own and should be respected. Share with someone you trust. Give those who love you the gift of allowing them to help. Experiencing loss accelerates soul growth and human maturity in a way that nothing else can. All "dark nights" have conclusions. If this is yours, reflect back in life to other difficult times. You will recognize that you recovered and grew stronger emotional and spiritual muscles.

Aries Your attention is in the area of shared resources, investments, and other financial interests. Your desires or needs may be challenged by an authority figure or someone with the power to withhold what you request. You can find the way around this blockade with some effort.

Taurus Early in the week you may be feeling lonely and isolated. This is a short phase that will change before the week is over, so don't let it overwhelm you. A special person comes to the rescue and you are back in the swing of social life once again.

Gemini You and your significant other may have some internal housecleaning to do. Do be aware that either one or both of you may be prone to insist on the "rightness" of your attitudes. Remove exaggerated ideas from the field so you can work on a realistic base.

Cancer You could be feeling lonely and isolated this week. It is possible that someone important to your well being is simply unavailable and you are left to handle things alone. Remember that you can be your own best friend. Be kind to yourself and have compassion.

Leo Your attention is shifting into the areas of children, recreation, personal creativity, and romance. You are ready for playtime and likely to be thinking about fun activities you can generate. Use your ingenuity to find detours around time and money issues.

Virgo You may be obsessing more than normal this week. You will do yourself a favor if you nip it at the beginning of an episode and let go until you feel a stronger sense of balance. Issues requiring attention may not be as intense and difficult as they feel.

Libra You likely will have increased expenses related to your career or a continued reduction in income. For a short time you may feel isolated and forgotten. This issue is on the verge of change, so don't let yourself follow the rabbit down the hole.

Scorpio Mars, the warrior, entered your sign last week and will be traveling with you for six more weeks. This power is best used to handle physically heavy projects or take initiatives that you might not otherwise tackle. Focus the energy productively so it won't run you.

Sagittarius Over the next seven weeks life will work more smoothly if you let yourself be led by the "signs," circumstances, and people around you. It will not a time to attack in anger or initiate new ideas, but to respond to what comes your way.

Capricorn An old, painful issue comes to the foreground and may be played out through your significant other. Sometimes those buttons get pushed and we move into automatic pilot, rather than acting on the present, realistic conditions. Hold your sight steady and ask questions before going orbital.

Aquarius Creative business ideas generated in the past are showing signs of payoff now. Your nerves may be on edge this week, possibly because you feel pressured to follow the traditional road. Water Bearers always do their own thing. You've been forgiven before and you will be now.

Pisces The Piscean Fish are normally so sweet, softhearted and compliant. You may surprise yourself and others this week when you refuse to cooperate with the conventional routine of things. Hang onto an attitude of tact as you challenge the traditions.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-987-2258 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website:

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