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Twitch & Shout 

They may seem sweet and normal, but Tourette's Syndrome patients can suddenly start twitching, or grunting or cursing without warning. Touretters used to be hanged as witches. Things are better for them now -- people just think they're really weird.

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"That really turned my life around," Overcash said. "It helped me get a better feel of who I really am; it helped me realize that I'm about more that just my Tourette's."

Although sober now for over a decade, Overcash still wrestles with demons, both personally and professionally.

"I thought because I was sober, things were going to magically improve, and things did get a little better, but I've still lost a few jobs. And I probably can't blame all of that on Tourette's."

Overcash moved back to Charlotte four years ago, and is currently involved in organizing a NC Chapter of TSA, as well as organizing a local support group.

If interested, you may contact Overcash at (704) 341-1084. If you would like more information about TSA, they may be contacted at (718) 224-2999 or on the web at:

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