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Weekly horoscope (Jan. 19-25) 

Aquarius The Waterbearer (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)

The sun returns "home" to your sign this week. You likely will find it to be energizing. Now is the time to focus on new plans for this next year of your life. Take a fresh look at where you want to direct your energy. Mars has also entered your sign. This will help you redefine who you are and who you are not. Boundary setting will be productive.

For All Signs: The full moon on the afternoon of Jan. 19 occurs in the last degree of the sign of Cancer. This full moon is a symbol representing endings, finales and closures. We may decide we have had enough of an individual, a job, family members or a house. It is time to see the truth in relationships and act accordingly. If what we see is joy, then we will also act upon that feeling. Perhaps a search for a new abode comes to fruition this week and we find exactly the right thing, thus ending the quest. Although the specific day of the full moon is often notable, the "feel" of its meaning occurs in the 10 days surrounding it. In order to understand the meaning, we must use a larger lens than "daily" astrology.

Aries: Mars entered your sign last week. Your attention naturally shifts toward plans for the future and finding ways to meet your goals. The probability is high that you will be leading or joining activities that call for cooperation from one or more groups of people for the next several weeks.

Taurus: Passion is on your doorstep. This could come in many forms. The issue is that this passion comes at a price. Perhaps it requires much money, or quests for all of your waking attention. Are you prepared to dive in? What if the passion comes in the form of anger? Is it wise to vent all your feelings and then potentially split a relationship?

Gemini: Make a special effort to keep up with keys, tickets and other small items. Your feelings are easily injured right now. On the other hand, you may be the offender, hurting someone else. Try to stay on the planet and think carefully before you speak. If you have been "hurt," don't draw a conclusion unless you discuss this with the guilty party.

Cancer: Please make note of the lead paragraph. Because the Moon is the ruler of your sign, it is even more likely that you will respond to its tides and changes. You are probably aware of the things/people/feelings in your life that are passing away. Perhaps a security fear is finally brought to rest.

Leo: For the next month much of your attention will be on "others" in your life. Partnerships will have an element of intensity. Although you may be tempted, this is not a good dumping ground for your darker feelings. Wait for the powerhouse of feelings to soften in a few days and then it will become a good time to talk things over.

Virgo: There are those around you who have greater needs than your own right now. You can contribute by offering your solidly sensible solutions and perhaps directing traffic. Although this time requires some sacrifice on your part, it will not last long. Don't give away the store. Take care of yourself too.

Libra: Share your love freely. If you use good sense, you need not be afraid that someone will bite your hand or mistreat you in return. Your ability to remain stable under even difficult conditions gives others the sense of security they need. You are powerful at persuasion or negotiation during this period.

Scorpio: Your focus shifts at this time to matters of home, property and family. Through the next seven weeks you may be handling heavy work around your home, and/or making repairs. Your temper will be short if you don't pour big muscle energy into something. You are a Mother Bear where family is concerned.

Sagittarius: Your ability to lead and persuade others to join together is needed this week. You may be mixing business and pleasure in a pleasant combination. This is a good time to discuss issues within a relationship because you are steady of mind and likely to be realistic, in relation to yourself as well as others. You intend to keep your promises.

Capricorn: This is a complicated week as you juggle several balls in the air. You may be feeling prone to anger. Tell a trusted friend about it, rather than becoming a sniper. Yes, you have moments of feeling sorry for yourself. Circumstances are not "fair." Meanwhile there is an angel in the background looking out for your best interest.

Pisces: There is an old saying: "Don't believe everything you think." Take this one to heart this week. Your feelings and thoughts may be only projections of what you want to think. Don't give in to "poor me" inner voice. That will only wreck your general attitude and ruin a couple of days. What you actually need is additional rest.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website:

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