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Weekly horoscope June 2-8, 2010 


The Twins (May 20-June 21):

You continue to remain in the background for the present. Remain quiet and reflective. Although you may have worries to the contrary, you will ultimately be OK. Be still and find ways to make contact with your inner self.

For All Signs: We finally arrive at the week that astrologers have been buzzing about for months, even years. Jupiter, planet of expansion is now meeting Uranus, planet of electricity, at zero degrees of Aries. This is a striking combination that lasts until mid-August in one of the most powerful positions of the zodiac. Aries is the warrior's sign, so new sieges may begin anywhere there is unrest. Aries is also a fire sign, so watch for a significant increase in electrical storms and fires caused by such this summer. The world news may become quite personal over the next two months. We will likely be shocked and emotionally affected by things that happen. If you are a sensitive soul, you may already know better than to watch televised news broadcasts.

Aries: I hope you have begun to shift gears and are ready to begin a new phase in your life. You may feel as though you have stepped onto a roller coaster. You desire freedom and are willing to do what it takes to get there.

Taurus: Make it a point to handle responsibly what is yours to control. Do not allow others to pressure you into exceeding your limits and boundaries. Resist the temptation to do more than you should on your own. You recognize that old friends are stable and helpful.

Cancer: Right now you are all about taking care of your partner or a very close friend. Unfortunately, this person may not be the best of "patients." You are overlooking this as best as you can. You can only do so much.

Leo: A number of plans are on hold while you wait for someone else or time to take action. It is possible you will be feeling angry and disappointed over a situation with a loved one.

Virgo: Mars, the warrior, enters your sign this week and will be traveling with you for seven weeks. This energy is best used to handle physically heavy projects or take initiatives that you might not otherwise tackle. If you are not choosing to deal honestly with this assertive energy, the common side effects are irritability and infections.

Libra: The explosion of changes in your life come through your partner or clientele. These are surprises indeed, and mostly for the better, although the adaptations for change may rattle your cage.

Scorpio: Change is in the works concerning your work and overall lifestyle. When you design this new scenario, make an effort to include exercise in your routine. You will need it to help relieve stress or anxiety over the new situation.

Sagittarius: The possibility is that you will encounter a new lover, one who is unlike any other, during this summer's Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. This energy could also work out for you by suddenly giving you the opportunity to express yourself creatively.

Capricorn: There may be a crisis with your children or a lover this week. There are elements of obsessive thinking and criticism involved. Shift your focus to any activity that requires your mental concentration. It will stabilize and ground your energy.

Aquarius: Take every precaution not to abuse your body during this period. Drugs or alcohol could have peculiar side effects that you don't expect. You are in a low physical cycle and will be unable to push yourself as hard as normal on any physical task.

Pisces: You must focus attention on your physical and emotional systems. You are experiencing changes that have been long in the making. This summer you see the outcome. Then you will have a few months' breather. If you don't take heed now, 2011 will lay out the issues in stark relief.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website:

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