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Weekly horoscope Nov. 17-23 

Scorpio The Phoenix (Oct. 23-Nov. 20)

Many admire your ability to stick to a project until it is completed. You have a remarkable capacity to focus on a long-term goal. But sometimes this goes over the edge into rigidity and unwillingness to switch gears as needed. If an attitude or the past is troubling you, then now is the time to let it flow down the river.

For All Signs: Venus, goddess of love to the ancients, has been retrograding since early October. On Nov. 18 she will go direct, representing a shift toward the better in relationships with restoration to order. During Venus' resting period of the last several weeks, we were pressed to encounter our personal behavior and relationship values. Many had opportunities to encounter persons of the past and heal old wounds. Now we shift our attention back to the present, hopefully with deeper insight into our motivations. Though the goddess is now direct, the impact of the whole cycle will not be apparent until mid-December when she returns to the place where the retrograde motion began. Check below for the effects this Venus retrograde has bestowed upon you.

Aries: Since early October you may have experienced delays or pauses in the territory of paying bills. Someone may be giving you a grace period or you may be extending the same to another. This has been a time to evaluate resources that you share with others, including stocks or investments. Now that Venus is moving forward you may proceed with your decisions.

Taurus: Remain awake and conscious of your behavior in personal relationships. This has been a time in which you were prone to slide backward into old behavior patterns that you have previously tried to outgrow. Your partner may also have been acting out old scenarios. Now is the time to talk it over and make gentle moves toward the future.

Gemini: Many of you have been experiencing the need for medical attention. Matters of health are now of greater importance. For some the health focus is more related to improving diet and exercise. Others may be re-experiencing the symptoms of a previous injury. It is an aggravation, but you know what to do about it.

Cancer: Venus has been retrograde in your territory of romance, play, creativity and children. So you may have needed to "go back" or re-evaluate your position in relation to activities in these areas. It has been important to slow down or take a breather from forward motion so you can look more deeply at your personal needs in these areas. Now you can return with a fresh perspective.

Leo: In the most recent few weeks you might have purchased something for your home or your car that you thought was beautiful at the time. It was more expensive than you know you can afford and you may already have tired of it. Now that Venus is direct, you may be thinking about returning the item.

Virgo: While Venus was retrograde you may have made some errors in communication that now call for an apology. Possibly you have purchased books or software or communication products that you now realize you don't really need. You may have been drawn to reconnect with old friends from school or your early history.

Libra: Venus has been backtracking in the territory of finances and other personal resources, so these topics have special priority this fall. It is in your better interest to conserve assets (money, time, health and energy) during this period. Think carefully about the future before you spend your holdings. (It is also possible that you are arguing with yourself about right and wrong related to sharing, spending.)

Sagittarius: In some way you have been dealing with people or situations from the past. You may be returning to some place you have been. Old memories may have surfaced and begged for processing. This energy has been useful for reflecting on how the past may be interfering with your present. It is OK to leave the ghosties in the closet and not allow them to alter your present decisions.

Capricorn: There has been a slowdown in your associations among your community network. Perhaps you have felt tired and simply unable to give what you normally do. You may have become bored with many of those in your usual second tier environment. Now is the time to reassess and return to those activities that really are meaningful to you.

Aquarius: Activities involving your career and decisions about it may have become stagnant in the last two months. Somehow you instinctively have known that it was not a time to push the river. In the next few weeks new information will surface that make it more clear how you are to proceed.

Pisces: People who live at a distance have been resurfacing in your life. If anyone who reappears is known to you to be of less than favorable character, use extreme wariness about mixing again. On the brighter side, you may be traveling or studying and returning to places where you have previously traveled.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments (for a fee). Website: www.

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