Drat. Oh, drat. Drat-nammit!! We're liking the name. Tryin' it on for size, you might say. Hey, it fits. Nice and snug. Good name -- can we have it? Drat's the band Andy Cauble, he of stoner rock band Black Lagoon, plays with nowadays. He's joined by one-time Misguided Youth Jimmy King, former Crimescene 13 guitar-slinger Brad Fury and rockabilly drummer John Marlow (not to be confused with Grateful Dead lyricist John Barlow, heh-heh). On the Drat Web site, the fellows say they got together initially just to bat around some old Misfits songs. Guess it was good fun, 'cause those initial meetings were two years and some change ago and the Drat boys are still at it. The band's self-deprecatingly titled album is Sorry, We're Drat. Expect pure and simple punk rock -- not to mention silly-ass song titles like "Erik Estrada." Oh yeah, and what's rockin' Mr. Cauble's world deez dayz? This ri'cheer:
1. Question Everything! "THINK for yourself and exercise your right use of will."
2. The Hood, Plaza-Midwood. "One of the best-kept secrets in Charlotte is a neighborhood, filled with great surprises like Ace Tattoo, Sadu, Pura Vida, Creation, City Supply Co., Bang Bang, Hysteric Glamour and The Penguin."
3. Terence McKenna. "Author of The Archaic Revival."
4. The Milestone. "Another best-kept secret of Charlotte. Please support LIVE music. It's NOT dead!"
5. Botana Para Su Veja. "Incredible Mexican dish from El Ranchito (on Sharon Amity). If you like a little spice in your life, this will truly light you up!"