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Honorable Mentions 


It’s not surprising that readers chose “The Queen City” to be the city’s slogan. after all, people tend to get creative with their answers, so the chances of having multiple people writing in the same slogan is slim to none — unless someone campaigns for their suggestion.

So, in the interest of fairness and good humor, we offer some of our favorite submissions under the Best Slogan for Charlotte category:

-Got condos?

-I had no idea Charlotte was cool!

-Where frat boys go to die

-A little bit of everything

-At least we’re not Atlanta

-City of trees

-Come for the beer, then get stuck in traffic

-Come for the beer, stay for the beer

-Hipsters in the ghetto

-Homogonized apartment town

-It’s surprisingly hilly

-More than banks and churches

-Thanks for nothing, Pat

-The land of 10,000 apartment complexes

-The place no one is from

-We have apartments at every corner

-We’re not all rednecks


For every favorite mascot or sandwich vote, we have plenty of snarky readers who prefer to vote for random things that will never win a Best of award. Some of them are misspellings, some are snarky — a bunch of them are just entertaining.

To you, the creative class of voters, we give honorable mentions for making us laugh while counting votes:

Best Local Athlete:

Not Cam Brewer

Coolest Team Mascot:

The Knights’ dragon thing

Best Place to Tailgate:

- My home

- That place by the stadium

Best Old Thing:

Your mom

Best Apartment Community:

Ones far away from me

Best Place to Get Hitched:

-My backyard

-In a church

Best Place to People-Watch:

Any Walmart

Best Church:

-Anything but Elevation

-Church’s Chicken


-The one at the end of Greystone that’s across the street from the pawn shop — it’s like living in a Tom Waits song

Best Place to Get Back to Nature:

Crowded Mountain

Best Place to Take Your Republican Parents:

-A Democratic fundraiser

-To the city limits

-Back to where they came from

Best Local Comedian:


Best Cougar Bar:


Best Weekly Nightlife Event:

When I dance alone with salmon in the woods on Tuesdays

Best After Work Spot:

My bed

Best Place to Wear an LBD (Little Black Dress):

What the hell is an LBD?

Best Place to Pregame:

My front porch

Best Place to Buy Vintage:


Best Sex Paraphernalia Store:

Northlake Mall

Best Head Shop:

I forget her name

Best Display of Public Art:

-The onion rings on Wendover

-The one at the airport is so ugly it’s amazing

-Those rusty things along the tracks on South Blvd.

Best Local Band (Covers):

Cover bands are horseshit

Best Local Album of the Past 12 Months:

Bon Jovi

Best Guitarist:

Eddie Van Halen

Best Rapper:


Best Doctor:

My obgyn

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