Do you remember The Moving Poets? The performance art troupe that combined dance, theater, music, visual arts and multi-media for its shows was established in Charlotte in 1996, but drifted away — far, far away to Berlin, Germany — in the late 2000s. Moving Poets Berlin continues to offer performances, concerts and workshops across the pond, but long-time dancer Sarah Emery is moving on. She's back in the Q.C. for the relaunching of Moving Poets Charlotte. For a peek at some of the group's moves — without the jetlag — come out to Hart-Witzen Gallery on March 9 for Moving Poets Revival, an evening of art-related performances. Other entertainment will include slam master Bluz, a fire dance performance by Hardin Minor, live music from Jonesalee, live painting by Osiris Rain and pole dancing by Annie Vareen of AFV Exotic Arts. There will also be a silent auction, hors d’oeuvres from Carpe Diem Restaurant and Catering, wine tastings from Van Miller and Common Market, and cheese from Cabot Cheese Creamery. RSVP by calling 704-607-1410 or e-mail
— Anita Overcash