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Weekly horoscope for May 27-June 2, 2009 

Gemini The Twins: (May 20-June 21)

Mercury is your planetary ruler and symbolizes "you" on your travels in life. On the 30th it is turning direct after a several-week-retrograde period. Decisions or plans that you may have tabled in April will be coming back to your attention during June. You probably will tweak the tabled ideas or possibly will dispose of them now.

For All Signs: We have two cosmic themes occurring during this period. One is the theme of anger, war over grievances and the potential for accident. I wrote about this last week, but the motif continues throughout this week. Another theme is intense focus on health care, healing and helping the particularly unfortunate. Humankind is a truly interesting species. How ironic that we can create violent war in one place while another group is intent upon healing the world! How very important it is for us to find cooperation with each other!

Aries: You are entering a new phase which will continue through mid-July. Issues of money and resources, or matters of personal values, will be prominent as motivators. If you owe on bills or favors, those debts will be brought to your attention as June begins.

Taurus: You may be feeling isolated the first few days of this week. Don't use a lot of energy worrying about this. The first few days of June bring opportunities for healing and for encountering others like yourself.

Cancer: It is normal to feel somewhat lethargic during the month just prior to one's birthday. At this time the sun is symbolically at its darkest, and we experience a natural low in our personal annual cycle. Don't take the dip seriously.

Leo: Your overall activity may slow down this week, but the thrust continues in the direction of developing community contacts and sharing yourself with others. You have favorable opportunities this month to expand your usual arena of social life.

Virgo: Now that your planetary ruler, Mercury, is turning direct, there will likely be a flurry of changes in your plans. In a short time you will have a more clear idea about the direction of your work in the world. Challenges may develop from any of the following sectors: legal matters, education, religion or travel.

Libra: You may be feeling rejected and lonely early this week. Don't allow the episode to control you because early in June there will be fresh opportunities to connect with others and the healing begins right away if you will allow it.

Scorpio: The next few weeks is focused heavily on the "others" in your life and the state of your relationships. You may be tempted to pressure others into agreement in order to support what you think best. Perhaps a "temporary break" would help.

Sagittarius: It would be easy to see everything through rose-colored glasses this week. You may be seeing reality, and then on the other hand, maybe you are seeing what you want to see. Enjoy the beauty and your enchantments, but don't bet the house payment on them.

Capricorn: If travel is not absolutely necessary, it is better to avoid it this week. Unfortunately this is not a favorable period for partnerships, unless you are willing to pour some effort into the work necessary to negotiate a problem area.

Aquarius: This is a strongly positive week in which your faith in yourself and all humankind is supported and nurtured by the people and circumstances in your path. Hopefully you are aware of a type of joy that is beyond mundane experiences of life.

Pisces: Although you thought you were invisible, this is a time that others will be singing your praises. You may have had no idea what sort of significance your presence has had for others. Stay in touch with your inner self, in spite of the applause.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site:

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