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Bridal Show: The Long Walk 

Sunday, Jan. 13

You know the old adage "always a bridesmaid, never a bride"? It feels that way every day, up until the day of your wedding. Just ask Jane, Katherine Heigl's character in the new romantic comedy 27 Dresses. Always helping with everyone else's wedding, then her sister walks away with the "man of her dreams." Her problem? Didn't start planning early enough. That's where the Bridal Showcase comes in. It's the largest bridal event in the Southeast, giving brides and grooms the opportunity to brainstorm their perfect wedding and connect with the people who can make it happen. Good news, if you have a sister like Jane's. Noon-5 p.m. Hall A, Charlotte Convention Center, 501 S. College St. 704-339-6000.

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