Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bright colors at Catwalk for a Cause

Posted By on Wed, May 19, 2010 at 11:58 AM

I love color. I love the way a bright fuchsia dress can make you stand out in the crowd. I love the way accents of yellow can add life to a black and white print dress. It's a simple concept, wearing bright colors to brighten your existence, but many people are just too comfortable in neutrals. I can understand though ... dark colors make us feel safe, just another person blending in with the crowd.

But bright colors and intricate accents were both major players in last night's fashion show at the Catwalk for a Cause, an event benefiting the Martin Truex Jr. Foundation, held at the River Run Country Club. Proceeds from the silent auction and raffle also went toward the foundation, which plans to use the money to supply backpacks for children in need. (On a side note, the items up for raffle and auction were REALLY great items — think designer samples, gift certificates, beauty products, jewelry— props to all the sponsors who donated!)

The outfits from the runway were courtesy of Lavendar Boutique, Bella Ropa and Dot's Women's Wear. Here are some shots.








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