Friday, October 5, 2007

Michael Vick's Dogs Don't Have To Be Put Down

Posted By on Fri, Oct 5, 2007 at 9:52 AM

The ASPCA is reporting that their tests have shown that all but one of the 49 pit bulls seized from Michael Vick's property may not have to be euthanized, as is often necessary for dogs that have been fought:

The evaluations were conducted between September 4-6, and the team recently provided its recommendation to the United States Department of Agriculture—that 48 of the 49 dogs have potential for some sort of placement. Recommended placement options for the dogs include:

* Possible re-homing into appropriate foster homes for further observation and evaluation

* Rehabilitation as law enforcement dogs

* Placement in sanctuaries, which will need to meet USDA facility standards

Only one of the 49 dogs was deemed unfit for rehabilitation and recommended for euthanasia, which was ordered on Monday, October 1, by Judge Henry E. Hudson. A federal judge will determine the final disposition of the 48 dogs recommended for potential placement.

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