As we are now approaching the end of this calendar year, we reflect.. What have we ALL learned thus far in 2020? What choices have we decided to make in life according to the divine and our awareness of the known reality? 2020 has been challenging and it's important to reflect on the impacts of these unprecedented times.
I believe we are collectively shifting to a new realization of what true faith within ALL aspects of Life and the multiple different types of spirituality we can learn in order to pursue greater forms of experience. Whether one is hiking a mountain by their self alone or writing a book for others, faith truly does have multiple forms of trusting the true truth combined with being worthy of accepting the healing from above either to self or humanity. Expressions are released naturally for experiencing one’s own emotions relating to the environment where they are, whether on a fishing boat, in a car, a plane or casually walking, our faith can be displayed naturally by how we are portraying our true nature of the soul. Breathing is another reminder and example of us all as a collective must always trust in the divine Power to keep us alive when we go to sleep at night to wake up a few hours later, or the scuba divers that exercise an immense amount of faith with their occupation.
Spirituality is an ongoing process with humanity and the evolution of the soul relating to most religions, martial arts, music, and lots of other forms expressing from the soul connection with Spirit. There are several types of spirits or forms of just as faith is so similar and plays its own role within spirituality. This reality is currently shaping our eminent future where we are going to experience an abundance of anything pertaining to creating health and sustainability for everybody. I believe we are striving for this together thus creating what is necessary just like the previous revolutions within society for new innovative and environmentally respectful according to nature and the natural process of life on earth. When we choose to "Live by Faith" combing nature and spirituality we can Help to create a better way of life for everybody.
We need to advocate for growing fruit trees within the city parks and have central gardens for the less fortunate people who need more organic crops to implement into their cities' food production for local restaurants to use in their ingredients! Natural food from nature has a charged form of spiritual energy produced from mother Nature and then harnessed into the plants to create the corps for foods or goods to provide services for others such as bamboo or hemp.
Food forests with investments on land for growing any type of plant to be used as a food source, good/service, medicines, and other products or natural resources can help us end famines and starvation. I believe by using the brand OWN we can establish a foundation in Charlotte to create a non-profit organization for sustainability with nature. "ONE- "humanity" With Nature" for all life forms on earth, we can co-create with creation in order to thrive together.
Please email me at so we can collaborate and give this vision some Life force energy by helping each other collaborate with ideas that can cause a collective benefit for everybody...
Fruit for thought via Edgar Wise