When the Charlotte Bobcats first contacted me and asked me to write for them, I had to explain that I am a nightlife reporter, not an NBA sports writer. But they didn't want me to write stats and scores, they wanted me to cover the nightlife within the arena. That, I can handle. And that, I do on theBobcats Break Blog
And as a perk of the job I get tickets to games ... including sold-out games like the one against the Miami Heat tonight. And as a thank you to my readers, (as in you) I am giving away two passes to the Front Court Lounge at the arena for the Heat vs. Bobcats game.
You can come cheer on the new coach and boo LeBron like you're from Cleveland and see if he and Dwayne Wade are earning their money from Jesus and Jay-Z.
The first person to e-mail me at brittney.cason@creativeloafing.com and tell me where I'm having my 30th birthday party is the winner winner chicken dinner. Like we hope the Bobcats are for the sake of Cleveland as well as Charlotte. Here's a clue: it's on www.bobcatsbreak.com
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