As you know, you can find everything you need on for your musical journey. However, if you haven’t convinced your family that a piano is a great addition to your house, this article might help you. Learning how to play the piano will bring you great benefits such as better memory, time management skills, better cultural knowledge, and it helps to deal with depression.
Improves reading comprehension
A study published in the Educational Psychology journal showed the capability to differentiate between pitch, which is a fundamental skill when playing the piano, is connected to good reading performance.
In addition to this, training to memorize notes before performance improves reading comprehension abilities and the brain’s area responsible for recall.
Stimulates creativity
A new study was conducted on jazz pianists. As scientists monitored their brain activity while they were performing, they found that the area of their brain responsible for stereotyped answers was mostly inactive.
As they continued to observe the brain’s activity, they noticed how their brain responded through its creation’s parts in order to give an original way of playing.
Lowers anxiety and stress
An article published by the National Library of Medicine revealed that playing the piano can be used as a treatment for depression. Furthermore, it is a great tool for mitigating stress in elderly people.
Even if the studied demographic consisted of older adults, these results are encouraging people of all ages to begin piano lessons. Not only they will get more complete as a person, but it is a natural treatment for mood disorders and depression.
Modifies the brain’s structure
For sure, you have heard some of your friends or relatives saying they are not musical at all. While there is some truth behind their affirmation as scientists discovered that some people are better suited for musical activities, not all hope is lost.
No matter how simple are the songs you play, you will still benefit and change how your brain handles information by learning the piano.
Keeps your brain young
The human’s capability to process auditory signals doesn’t remain the same as time passes. Nevertheless, piano players taking part in a recent study were able to reverse the regress of the brain’s processing ability and inner ear hearing loss.
Improves concentration and patience
Multiple parts of the brain are activated when playing the piano. A group of piano players had their brains monitored as they played for more than an hour and the result is quite surprising. The level of discipline needed to play music is comparable to a full-body brain workout.
You may notice after some time of playing the piano that your level of patience, concentration, and discipline are bigger. This is because while playing, the brain’s part responsible for concentration and applying knowledge lights up.
Increases self-esteem
In 2014, a study took place on fourth-grade students in the public schooling system in Canada. Children who played the piano for at least three years got a higher score on self-esteem tests.
Getting to know how to play any instrument and feeling the excitement of progress after struggling with a piece of music is an amazingly forceful method to boost someone’s self-confidence.
Develops time management
Of course, you need to make time for playing the piano so succeeding to add it to your daily schedule requires good time management and organization. Every activity that requires a routine practice schedule is a great way to improve someone’s ability to manage and organize their time.
For children and young adults, making a schedule for their piano lessons and practice is a great way to develop lifelong skills.
Enlarges cultural knowledge
A 2016 study showed that musical preferences are strengthened by cultural circumstances and not hardwired into our brains. Contrary to what we believed before, our brain is ‘encouraged’ to like consonant or dissonant chords.
This is a great way of expanding cultural knowledge, especially for children since exposure to different styles of music will help them keep an open mind.
Enhances hand-eye coordination
It doesn’t come as a surprise that starting to play the piano will improve your hand-eye coordination. However, when it comes to professional piano performers, scientists discovered their cortical mapping change in order to improve finger speeds.