Best Of 2007

Best Comeback Band
The Belmont Playboys

Staff Pick

Well, like LL Cool J said, “Don’t call it a comeback, they’ve been here for years.” The band hit it big with its rockabilly and punk stylings throughout the 1990s, gaining national and international popularity. More than a decade on the road took its toll and the band settled down as brothers Mike and Jeff Hendrix spawned its offspring, The Painkillers. Now, the band is slowly getting back under the lights on a regular basis, having made recent appearances at the Cash Bash, Rockabilly BBQ and The Penguin Pig Pickin’. If the Charlotte music scene ever needed a swift, chain-wallet-wearing kick in the ass, it’s now, and The Belmont Playboys are just the ones to do it.
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(Sorry, no information is currently available for other years in this same award category.)

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