Best Of 2013

Best Place to Find Caffeinated Hipsters
TNT Latte Art Competition

Staff Pick

  • Not Just Coffee Facebook

If you want in on Charlotte's coffee scene, put on your best pair of skinny jeans and new shoes that look old and watch the city's best baristas battle it out at the Thursday Night Throwdown. The TNT latte art competition is an event that toggles each month between Jimmy Kleto and crew at Central Coffee and James Yoder and his posse at Not Just Coffee. Here's the deal: Two baristas go head-to-head with a pitcher of steamed milk and an espresso shot. Whoever has the best pour, based on things like symmetry, style and creativity, takes home bragging rights and the respect of his bespectacled and flannel-flocked fellows. Save the milk mustache and sport a real one at this dashingly hip event.

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