College life is usually where people go to find themselves. So I wasn't at all surprised when this UNC Greensboro student, better known as my 18-year-old son, showed up on my doorstep during the holidays rocking a style different from the one I shipped him off to school with. Khyre Strong says he "dresses for himself, not trends" and thinks that "the shoes make the man." Wise words from someone who has a pretty extensive shoe collection and typically travels with eight to 10 of his favorites, always in the boxes, no less. Thankfully (for me, at least), "the collection" now resides in his dorm room. When asked how his love of shoes will translate after college, Khyre says, "I'm going to use my degree in International Business, once I get it, to bring footwear styles from other countries here and maybe incorporate them into some of my own designs." That's my mini-man.
Jacket: Value Village
"I had never bought anything from a thrift store before, but now I find stuff in stores like that all the time."
Shirt: Buffalo Exchange
"I liked the design because it made me think of the '80s."
Levi's: Levi's Outlet Store, Concord Mills
"Levi's are kinda the only jeans I wear."
Sneakers: Black Sheep
"I buy a lot of sneakers online and I resell them, too. These are Purple Safari Nike SB's."
Lens-less Glasses
"I actually don't remember where the glasses came from, but I liked them because they looked like something [a clothing designer] Johnny Cupcake has."