Porn spoof titles, 1980s style | Features | Creative Loafing Charlotte
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Porn spoof titles, 1980s style 

This week's Creative Loafing cover story looks at the cinematic hits that came out in 1984, movies like Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and The Terminator. But what about the movies they inspired? We're talking, of course, about those lovable porn spoofs that latch onto a tried and true Hollywood property and, uh, milk it for all it's worth. Here, then, are 10 porn spoofs inspired by 1984 releases. (WARNING: Some naughty words ahead and probably NSFW.)


1. Beverly Hill's Cox

2. Cindi, Anna, Joan and the Nipples of Doom

3. Fuckloose

4. Ghost Thrusters

5. In Diana Jones and the Temple of Poon

6. Never Ending Horny

7. Romancing the Bone

8. Sex Trek 3: The Search for Spunk

9. The Sperminator


10. Wet Dream on Elm Street

But why stop there? For your further edification, here are 20 more great spoof titles, all takeoffs of films that were released during the 1980s.

1. Add Momma to the Train

2. Big Trouble in Little Vagina

3. Desperately Seeking Semen


4. Drivin' Miss Daisy Crazy

5. E.T. The Extra-Testicle

6. For Your Thighs Only

7. Full Metal Jack-off

8. Labiarinth

9. The Load Warrior


10. On Golden Blonde

11. Ordinary Peepholes

12. The Pimpire Strikes Black


13. The Poonies

14. Rambone

15. RoboCock

16. Screw the Right Thing

17. Sperms of Endearment

18. Turner and Cooch

19. The Unspearable Tightness of Ling-Ling

20. When Harry Ate Sally

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