If you happen to ring the doorbell of Kim Loring's home on Halloween night while out trick-or-treating (I mean, your children will be trick-or-treating, right?), you might be a little creeped out by who opens the door. Loring, who says she's transitioning out of Corporate America to devote more time to her creative side as a lifestyle blogger (www.superchyc.blogspot.com) calls her handmade costume a Goth Ghost. "I saw a picture on Martha Stewart's website — she had a couple ideas for costumes you can make," Loring says. "And I think she calls it a gray ghost lady. I used that as my inspiration point, but I didn't want to do a literal translation of what she did, I wanted to make it my own." And that she did.
The Dress
I went to Hobby Lobby and they have every color you can imagine of tulle there. I used a big needle to pass ribbon through the material. Once I had all the different panels on there, you can just tie the satin ribbon in a bow at your neck.
The Sleeves
That was a pair of pantyhose that I bought at Target. You can just cut a hole in the crotch area and clip the toe part off. And you're basically sticking your hands in the way you would stick your legs in, and then it pulls down over your torso.
The Makeup
For inspiration, I took a couple different pictures I had seen and meshed what I liked from each other.
The Skull
I found that at Goodwill.