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Style-stalking Marion Buhrmaster 

Marion Buhrmaster, owner of Sunflour Baking Company (2001 E. 7th St.), churns out scrumptious pastries and outfits daily. The young entrepreneur says she "revels in all things artistic," whether it be her pastry chef career or home decor. Right now, she describes her style as "hippie chic." She's into handmade items from natural textures, including the feather extensions flowing from her brunette locks. Even though Buhrmaster puts in 12- and sometimes even 16-hour days at her bakery, she still finds time to concoct the perfect outfit recipe.

Shoes: Jessica Simpson Espadrilles — "I got them at TJ Maxx a few years ago."

Dress With Belt: "I love shopping in Asheville boutiques because I can find clothes that not everyone in Charlotte will have. I found this dress at What to Wear in Asheville."

Necklace: "I got this at another boutique in Asheville called Union."

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