Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's in your Dressing Room?

Posted By on Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 11:39 AM

Charlotte has so many hidden little gems and boutiques that I love to frequent, and The Dressing Room just happens to be one of the them. Owners Angella and Natalie opened their boutique a little less than six months ago and have been going strong ever since. Located near the heart of uptown Charlotte, this boutique carries designs by Better B, Alice + Olivia, Black and many more. I really think rompers and jumpers is one of their specialties because I've seen some of the hottest, styles and color patterns hanging there.  They also have an assortment of party dresses, tops, skirts and fashion shorts to choose from.


Oh and don't forget the jewelry.  This boutique always has the perfect accessories to match your look.


Want to get a peek at what I've already seen? The Dressing Room is having a fashion show on Sunday, July 24 at 5 p.m. The show will take place inside the store located at 820 E. 7th St. For more details or to RSVP for the show, call 704-817-9035.

T. Strong is a TV personality, personal stylist and fashion journalist who contributes commentary on Creative Loafing’s Klepto blog in addition to writing for several other national media organizations. To learn more visit or follow “therealtstrong” on Twitter.

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